When my roommate leaves

Its finally happening.

I’m watching you and your friend walk down the driveway and to the car parked on the curb. You open the car door, get inside, and giddy with fun and expectations, you both drive off to enjoy an evening on the town.

I told you I had a headache and just wanted to smoke it off.

It’s been a pretty good time since you moved in three weeks ago. We used to work together and got along REALLY well, despite my attraction for you and every inch of your curvy body. I hid my feelings and we built a friendship, and now a roommate living situation, on trust and honesty. Its now time to cash that in.

You went to a hot yoga class about four hours ago. You came home, soaked in sweat and glowing with serenity. My cock was crushing itself inside my pants as you chirped out that you were going to take a shower. That’s when I decided that tonight was the night.

I tried to hold out longer than this. I really did. But as soon as I stepped into your messy room, I knew it was always going to be like this.