Short Stack [MF] [BIG TITS]
I love short women. There’s something about a short woman with a great figure that just makes me feel like I’m getting more than I bargained for. I’m not a tall guy at 5’10 but I’m talking about women that are 5’3 or shorter. Like Ariana Grande, she’s 5’ even and gorgeous – like a short 10, vs what society at large accepts as a true 10, like Adriana Lima – 5’10, Emily Ratajkowski 5’7.
What I like about the short girls are their proportions. Put Emily Ratajkowski’s tits on Ariana Grande and you’ve got a sports car more akin to a Lotus Elise than a Ferrari whatever – sexy, nimble, easy to handle and tons of fun.
So one night I’m shooting pool in a bar downtown. It’s college night and there’s a lot of good looking women around. The college down the road is known for drawing beautiful girls from the suburbs of New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania. I had held the table for a little while and this good looking blonde walks up and puts quarters down for the next game.
“Can I get next?” She asked.