Vacation 2

As I let her breathing and body ketch up I grabbed her soap and helped her get clean. Paying most of my attention to her voluptuous breast and pointy nipples making sure she was not winding down to far. She did indeed have a devilish look in her eye. But it was at that moment when the alarms on our phones went off reminding us that it was time to meet the others.

Bobby had given us his room key before we separated. Knocking on the door and receiving no answer, we assumed using the key was okay. “They are probably still getting ready” I assured my wife. I opened the door and we heard the sound of both a shower running and giggling. we assumed it was Abby and bobby showering from the sounds. Before us however was the most exhilarating surprise, I waited for my wife to close the door and then to behold the site before us. Taking her hand I held her in place as we witnessed bobby spread out on the bed with a pair of silky long legs spread around his ears and shoulders.


It’s hard to imagine that at 36 and married I could be lucky enough to experience the joys of not one but two couples.
My wife and I are not what u would call in shape, having both of us large frames, I’m 6″2′ 300 and she is 5″ 190. I love my wife’s body she has a great pair of extra large tits that still sit well on her chest and great love handles that make slamiming into her wet hole in doggie style that much more blissful.
I’ve been friends with these two couples for over ten years and have witnessed some interesting things. Which will be stories in another time. But never did it occur to me the level of their friendship was so involved until we took a trip together. Most of my group loves wine, with the exception of me. With that in mind the wives decide they need to go and visit the local winery’s. So we all planned a weekend trip involving a wine bus tour, fallowed buy a night of bar hopping. From the start of this excursion it had a romantic vibe. The bus driver had wine waiting for us and was relaxed and friendly. Creating an atmosphere that let the booze envelope and flow. the ladies relax and us gentleman took advantage.
Bobby being our group antagonist and all around flirt moved around the group bringing both fun and sexual energy. Bobby is great at flirtation a slight touch or comments to both men and women and will aften have every group wound up and charged.
Bobby’s stunning wife Abby might add the most lust to the party, at least by the husbands, anyway. For she has the most amazing coffee table ass I’ve ever seen. I’ve not met a man yet that cannot help but reach out and smack her ass. Abby is a reserved women, not overly flirtatious and is mostly modest. atleast until u get her in the right situation with the right amount of booze then she opens up into what the group has grown to call, fun Abby. Fun Abby lives to tease, enjoying and creating desires in both sexes. Often pantiless in her dresses, her husband will get her to casually flash that great ass to drive everyone wild. Or in her wilder moments u might find her stowed away making out with a random group member.
On this particular Saturday found Abby building into fun Abby as the night progressed. Her flirtatious comments and looks had me lusting after her all-night long. Now up to this point Abby had shown little interest in me sexually. Only letting me see her naked once. But, on this day something seamed different and showed to be my lucky day. For as we were leaving the second winery she slid into the seat next to me and bobby grabbed my wife into the seat next to him. Conversation flowed between the group and nothing seamed mischievous. That is, until I felt her hand on the inside of my thigh, First, just ever so lightly. Causing me to try and make eye contact with her. However she was talking to the group and paying me no attention like she was doing nothing. After a few minutes the pressure increased and Abby started to wiggle her figers and massage my thigh. Working her way up twords my now stiffening dick. Man was I in heaven. But felt a little guilty, until I looked over at my wife and saw her staring at me with bobby whispering in her ear. My wife smile suggested that I should relax and enjoy myself, lucky me.
Now Richard and Teresa are the other couple in this adventure. They just happened to be sitting in front of Abby and my self, With Richard sitting against the window with his arm around the back of the seat and Teresa nestled into the crook of his arm. Richard and Teresa have been together since highschool and appear to be the couple that cherish each other. Richard always talks about when his kids are grown he will have a naked room, and Teresa has that friendly cheery/flirtatious blond attitude. However, I have always sensed that they are a happy monogamous couple. So, it was a quit a surprise when richard looked back at me and gave me the old wink and a nod. I was was starting to come to the conclusion that this trip maybe heading toward a life time memory, if only I played my cards just write.
I was getting more and more signals with the last stop as Abby and richard sat together and Teresa and bobby coupled up on the way to our last vineyard. We were scheduled to eat dinner hear and the bus driver was heading to do what ever he was doing next. So we all filled in and just kinda found seats. My wife and I were separated and I landed the chair between the other women. Everyone was very buzzed by now, with the exception of me. Which is what I think gave me the ability to notice that at least everyone at the table had at least one hand out of place under the table. With bobby grinning like a Cheshire cat with both his hand finding places on my wife’s and teresa’s laps. I decided to be bold and return the favor of past teasing and boldly slid my hand up Abbie’s thigh. Starting at the inside of her knee I found the him of her dress and worked my way inside her short summer dress. there was no response again from her, so i continued up her silky leg until I was forced to make a decision. For I was finding it to be getting quite worm and slippery on my fingers. Do I continue and try my luck at rubbing her tender flesh, or do I retreat and hope that my intentions dive her further into a state of wonton desire. I held my ground inches from her pink swollen flesh just making small circles with my finger and gently squeezing with the palm of my hand and thumb. I am rewarded with an instant deepening flush of her cheeks and a soft moan escaping from her lips.
“Sir”, draws me from my victory as a plate of food is set before me and I am forced to remove my hand.
A great dinner and drinks have us at our highest point of revelry and with a somewhat thought out plan of how the night is going to be planned out we head for the hotel to change and sober up enough to be let into the bars!
My wife and I have a separate room with the other couples sharing a room, so we break off from each other to get ready. As soon as the door close to our room my wife attacks me. Kissing and sucking at my face. After a few heated minutes she pulld away breathless and flushed. She breaths out one word “shower” and pulls me in that direction. Ripping each other’s close off and only separating long enough to get the water to the right temperature. In the shower I drop to my knees desperate to taste her. As my face is buried in her muff with her back against the wall and one leg draped over my shoulder she recounts her experience at dinner to me. “It was so amazing both bobby and richards hands were rubbing all over me. From squeezing my ass to massaging my pussy they kept working me up until I thought I was about to cum. If it wasn’t for the food I probably would have gotten us kicked out by my orgasm scream. Man I feel sorry for the next person…” Her voice faded as her orgasm rippled threw her body and her body slackened.