A spider in NYC: A Spider-Man erotica


Things have never been easy, especially when I decided that my hobby would wearing skin tight spandex and swinging from buildings. Little did I know that a gorgeous red head would be scarier than a dude with a rhino horn, I guess hell hath no fury like a MJ scorned.

“PETER PARKER!” M.J. yelled as I dove feet first through the window. “I’m sorry I’m late M.J, we can do date night tomorrow” I said. In hindsight I should have known better than to say anything, it always gets worse when I talk. “It’s not a normal date night Pete, it’s my birthday. We had a reservation at that French place in Brooklyn remember?” She looked crushed and I never felt more like an asshole in my life. “Fuuuck! M.J. I’m so fucking sorry. There was a hostage situation uptown and….I got caught up. Sigh, I’m the fucking worst” this wasn’t the first time I let her down, but I felt the same shame I did the first time. Mary Jane’s expression softend as her petite hand rested on my shoulder.

Categorized as Erotica

The Orc and her human mate part 5


“Wha..what are you talking about!? Wha…why would you do that, you wouldn’t do that!” You exclaimed as you stood from the bed. “I know it doesn’t make sense but please…let me explain” Nalana said in a sad and defeated tone. “Why? Why would you hurt me like that!?” You sobbed. Nalana had a serious look on her face “I needed a mate. All non human species have an overwhelming urge to breed, especially with humans. I knew human merchants would be traveling to the capital so I waited…then you showed up. Human men like you are sheltered without your knowledge. Your government knows how desirable you are so they hide you in walled cities, and when non-humans get inside the walls you’re told it’s a raid. I knew I wouldn’t get another chance so I attacked you…made it look like you were attacked by bandits”.

Categorized as Erotica

The Orc and her human mate Part 4.


The last three months of your life have been interesting to say the least. Since you were claimed by Nalana the other Orcs left you alone, excepting the fact that Nalana was the only Orc for you. Your injuries have healed almost completely besides the scars that now decorated your body. You were living the dream.

Most of your days were spent with Nalana, spending most of your time breeding and cuddling. At every waking moment you crave Nalana’s body, her muscular green arms, her toned abs, her perfectly tight pussy. You’ve lost track of the number of loads you’ve pumped into her soaking wet depths. Nalana craves you as much as you crave her, the both of you often falling asleep with your member still inside her. Nalana tells you how beautiful a child between you two would be, and you’re unable to disagree.

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The Orc and her human mate part 3

It’s been a month since Nalana took you in and you are recovering quite well. You’re now able to walk, bathe, and clothe yourself but you still bathe with Nalana. Her body comforts you when you’re together, and your heart skips a beat every time.

You and Nalana are taking a stroll through the Orc territory, the passing Orcs undress you with their eyes until they are brought back to reality by Nalana’s unrelenting glare. “Why am I not allowed around the other Orcs? They seem like nice folks” you ask curiously as the two of you walk hand in hand. “That’s….a complicated question. Human men are found very attractive by my people, the scent you give off is simply, magical” Nalana loses herself in the scent of your musk before snapping back to reality.

“So it’s all about my scent?” You ask. Nalana tilts her head as she contemplates a reply “scent is a factor but it’s not the entire reason we find human men so alluring. You see, the majority of Orcs are female so most of the time we have to mate with another species if we want to have children. Plus human men are just so damn cute, you’re small and soft yet strong and verile, the perfect mate for an Orc”. Nalana looks at you with an affection filled gaze that brings a slight tear to your eye.

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The Orc and her human mate part 2.

Two weeks have past since you were taken in by the Orcs. Your rehab has been difficult and painful, but Nalana keeps you smiling. When you fall she catches you, when you cry she comforts you and tells you how good your doing. Due to your injuries you are unable to walk steadily and of course this caused Nalana to carry you everywhere.

You truly enjoy your time with Nalana but things seem tense with the other Orcs. She tends to keep you away from the other females, and on the rare occasion you see another Orc they are always kind and friendly, sometimes too friendly. There was a incident where you were talking to a Orc nurse, she was very friendly and kind making sure you were clean and healthy. Throughout the checkup however her hands began to wander across your body, going places they shouldn’t have. When Nalana discovered that one of her nurses was taking advantage of you she was furious. She slapped the nurse Orc so hard that her eye became blood shot. Nalana bared her enlarged canines and spoke to the nurse in Orcish, after which the nurse left and did not return.

Categorized as Erotica

The Orc and her human mate part 1.

You woke up in a cold sweat, barely able to move your aching body. Your head throbbed with pain as you shifted, trying to sit upright. “No no no, stay still, stay still. Don’t move so much or you’ll rip your stitches” a powerful yet gentle voice spoke. you shifted your gaze to locate the source of the voice, finding a large female Orc wearing royal garb.

The Orc’s light green skin shimmered in the candle light of the infirmary as she neared closer, your gaze resting on her large and pronounced breasts. “My name is queen Nalana of the Western Orcs. I came across you 20 miles down the road. You were beaten and your belongings were no where to be found so I brought you here” the queen said with a warm and gentle smile.

“I…I cant remember what happened. The last thing I remember I was on my way to a market in the capital” you sighed as you rubbed your head in frustration. Nalana gently placed her large hand on your arm, her dark red hair and golden eyes coming into full view. “I know its hard right now but we will take good care of you. I’ll care for you personally to make sure you recover. I give you my word that I’ll get you to full strength again”.