The Subjugation of Women (World idea)

Content warning:
Dark themes.

It’s been 8 years since a virus exterminated 99% of all women. Because of this, the sex ratio of the world has swinged heavily towards men.

Initially, the men treated the surviving women with utmost care, making sure they were as comfortable as possible since the genetic future of humanity depended on them. The women were valued so much that even the least desirable ones had thousands of men competing for their favour.

But society has since then taken a turn for the worse as more and more men have become radicalized by a new party and ideology that calls for the collective ownership of the means of reproduction.

Their entire ideology revolves around these two points:

1. We’ve determined that the genetic future of humanity is too important to be left in the hands of women and the top 1% of men.
2. For this reason, we call for the constitutions of the world to exclude women from the status of personhood, and instead reclassify them as collective property to be equally distributed among the men.

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Degradation of a Journalist [Part 1]

I moved in on your naked body, examining every inch of it with my eyes and hands.

You were a journalist with a long history of writing passive-aggressive stories about my company, accusing me of corruption and misconduct. Lately, you had been working on a story about sexual assault allegations against me and several senior members of our business, providing good evidence that would be hard to deny.

What you didn’t know was that I owned the city. Everyone was in my pockets. The police, the politicians, the judges, even the newspaper you worked for. After all, that’s how I’d gotten wind of your upcoming story.

I grabbed your throat and pushed you against a wall. Your cuffed arms left you unable to fight back effectively. To catch you, all I had to do was give a word to some off-duty officers I knew, and they escorted me to your house. At this very moment, they were waiting outside, making sure no-one disturbed our little… chat.

The confused face you had made when you saw me enter your home, and the panic that beset you when I overpowered your weak body was glorious.

Categorized as Erotica