Witches’ Eve [FM] [Fantasy] [Horror-ish] [Non-human humanoid]

Hello! So I just found this subreddit and figured that, since I write erotica under the pen-name Corvidae, it makes sense for me to join in. ;) Since we're so close to Halloween, I thought I'd share this story I wrote as part of an erotica challenge last year. It's a little heavier on plot and lighter on the explicit sexyness, but I still quite like its darker themes and I hope you do too.

Isabel ran like the devil was chasing her. He might well have been; few other things would drive her to run toward the woods. By all accounts, traversing the woods at night was a risky prospect at best, but entering it tonight, on Witches Eve, was suicide. But the roars of her father behind her spurred her on.

She crashed through the undergrowth at the edge of the tree line, slowing only when she reached the darkness under the canopy. Gulping for breath, she strained to hear the sounds of pursuit through the blood pounding in her ears.