Looking for a specific story

Long time lurker first time poster… also posting on desktop, not mobile.

I am looking for a story that I read a while ago but cannot find again.

It is about a maid, who accepts a live-in position as a maid, and the “interview” test consists of pleasuring the butler and head maid. She lives as a maid who also is expected to service the owners of the house, and she has a specific uniform that can never appear dirty.

On the last day that she works at the house, the head maid and the butler have her do grueling tasks, stay up all night and all day, and is constantly horny. I specifically remember they forced her to scrub the foyer with a toothbrush, and every few hours, have her stand up and vigorously scrub her nipples with the said toothbrush. I remember that she completed her contract and left her house with a buttload of money, which she is using to travel the world, but she has developed a pain/humiliation kink.

Can someone help me find this particular story?