The Night Before [F][mast]

The room was dark and by the sound of tires on wet streets outside, Julia could tell it had rained without opening her eyes. The incessant beeping of her alarm clock grated at her enough for her to roll across the queen-sized bed and find the button that would stop it. She took a minute to stare up at the ceiling and try to get motivated to leave bed. Mondays are the hardest mornings to get moving, especially after a late night before.

Julia didn't usually go out drinking on Sunday nights but Monica, Julia's best friend, had insisted that they and their other friend Rebecca go out and find some guys and get laid. Sometimes it seemed that getting laid was all that Monica thought about.

In Her Hands [fmm][inc]

The two teenaged boys that had been so engrossed in playing their video game paused as they spied a young woman with wet, dirty blonde hair, wearing only a towel, saunter past the open bedroom door. Violet tossed the boys a wink on her way to her room, knowing full well the effect she had on the two high school seniors. She had only been home a week, having failed out of her second year of college, but she didn’t miss a chance to flirt with Gabe when their newlywed parents weren’t around. She didn’t have the hots for Gabe, it’s just that she liked the thrill of the tease.

After blinking a moment of at the empty doorway, Josh asked, “Have you tagged that yet?”

“Not yet”, Gabe smirked, jabbing his elbow into his friend’s side as they sat on the end of his bed. He always pretended to be more sexually active than he was. He was still technically a virgin since he’s only had blowjobs and handjobs. Coming to his senses he shook his head. “Wait… no. I gotta get used to having a sister.”

“A hot step-sister”, Josh corrected. “It’s totally cool for you two to hook up.”