I have this burning desire and I just have to write it out.
Some backstory: We are officers. I am 20F and he is (I'm guessing) mid-30s. He's my superior. He's also married and has a young child.
I'm an average girl. Some would call me boring. I don't do drugs, I don't drink and I don't party. I'm not wild. I've also never hooked up with anyone before. I've only been with one guy before. I get flustered easily, I'm shy with romance. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not unattractive nor do I have a weak sex drive; I'm just more conserved and shy.
It's late and I'm tired. Work is almost done and I'm definitely ready to go home, relax and sleep. I head over to the office where we report at the end of our shift. Two supervisors await us as we all gathered in the room. In my tired state I look up and I see an unfamiliar face. "I haven't seen you around here" I thought to myself. It is not unusual, as the the roles of our superiors and where they are situated change from time to time. He was tall, built and had a handsome face. That was the first time I remembered seeing him. The next couple of times I saw him he showed up when I was working. He works the night shift so I would see him at the last couple of hours I worked. It was like a treat for a long day of work. We started to talk and I found that not only is he eye candy, he's also easygoing, funny, and great to talk to.