Looking for a story

So I’d be surprised if anyone knows this story, but I really want to find it again so I’m asking here. It’s a mother/son story (yes I know, there’s millions of those) and the premise is the son is a sporty college student, does modeling for art students to draw his body etc. And his mom and dad aren’t intimate anymore, all the dad ever does is drink beer. So the son decides to help the mom her back in shape by exercising with her everyday. So it has a long build up of them slowly getting closer and more used to each others bodies, and then eventually they both do a nude model session together for artists to draw them. And by the end of it they’re banging regularly.

I’ve tried to find it but have had no luck, I’m not even sure which site it was on. I just remember it was on the list of top stories on the site.

Categorized as Erotica