A Slutty Morning [MFM][voy][Bi]

“Come on, we always watch the same thing! My turn to choose!” Lisa playfully swiped at the remote in Ben’s hand, as he moved it out of her reach.

Seated on the couch, Lisa and Ben were watching options scroll across the screen. As Ben extended his arm to avoid Lisa, she lunged across him, landing somewhat on the couch, and somewhat in his lap.

With a muffled grunt, Ben, folded slightly, feeling suddenly exposed by the weight of a slight but aggressive girl laying across him.

“Almost had it!” Lisa grinned, looking up at Ben. Putting a hand between his legs for stability, she brushed up against an interesting find. “I think I found something interesting anyway….”

Running her hand along his partial erection, a wicked thought appeared in Lisa’s mind. “You can pick the show we watch if you can focus enough to pay attention.”

Pushing herself up, she sat facing Ben on the couch, slipping a hand underneath his gym shorts before he had a chance to argue.

“OH fuck Lisa!” Was the only response as she began pumping his increasing girth.