My first Blow Job – a True Story

This is the story of my experience giving my first blow job. I’m 44 now, but I was barely 18 years old at the time – but it has to happen sometime 😀. It had only been a few months since I gave my first hand job – I posted about it here: [](

TLDR: I gave my first blow job on an over night camp trip with a guy at least 17 years older than me and I loved it

I was living in a resort town working one summer. There was one small shitty bar in town that all the tourists and locals would go to on the weekend. I’m in Canada so drinking at 18 is legal. I had only been drunk a handful of time, and was an inexperienced drinker. One night I was there with a girlfriend, and this really attractive older guy (35-40 or so) came in and started buying us shots. I had never had shots before, I wish someone would have warned me. I had probably 5-6 shots within just a few hours, and got OUT OF CONTROL. I was dancing on tables, I remember hugging everyone telling them how much I loved them (I was a very friendly drunk), I remember very short clips of kissing the guy who bought us shots in the bar and not much other than that, except for a very foggy memory stumbling home.

The First time I (now F44) made a guy cum

When I as 15 years old I walked past my friends brothers bedroom. I didn’t think anyone was home and was there to pick up a school book i left behind. He was lying on his bed masturbating. I had never seen a guy do that before. I watched through the crack in the door. When he came i actually thot he started peeing! I was very naive (grew up in a strict Christian home and was not allowed to attend sex Ed 🙄), but i loved everything about what i saw. The way he twitched. The sounds he made. His abs contracting. How relaxed He looked lying on his bed after. I thought about it all the time and would masturbate as i fantasized about it – not completely understanding what i saw – i just knew i loved it.

Fast forward 2 years. I had been kicked out of my house by a shitty step dad. I was basically homeless but my boyfriend at the time let me sleep on an airmatress in his living room. He was 19. We made out lots, he was way more experienced than me and i always stopped him shortly after he would put his hand in my shirt, despite loving it – I just felt guilty but secretly loved it when he would squeeze my tits.

Categorized as Erotica

Sex on the night shift when i was f20

When I was in university, before I figured out guys would pay me for hand jobs (see my other confession…😆) I worked nights at a telecommunication company assembling phones. I worked with a guy who was cute, funny, interesting, interested in me… BUT he had a girlfriend. We would flirt at work, he’d make comments, I’d make comments – everything was innocent enough. We did go out to the bars from time to time together, but nothing ever happened. He dropped me off at home (he didnt drink that night, I did), and he stood on my step and talked to me for hours. He told me I had everything he wanted in a girl, we laughed, we cried and knew that it wouldn’t workout because he didnt have it in him to break up with his girlfriend. He kissed me on the forehead that night, and I thought my chance with him was over.