On the Couch [MF]

First time writing stories, I’d really appreciate feedback!


**On the Couch**

We were laying on the couch stretched out, with you on top of me, head resting on my chest, legs interlaced. I was falling asleep not really paying attention to the what was playing, when I feet you stirring. I could feel your hips pushing up against my thigh, just a little bit of pressure then release, press and release. I turn my head and I look down at you and get a glance of you looking back at me with your sea green eyes, biting your lip. You quickly burying your face against my chest, and go still. I smile a little confused and turn my attention back to the TV. A few minutes later I can feel your hips slowing stealthily grinding against my thigh again, I pretend not too notice, and I feel your pace pick up, growing bolder at my apparent inattention. I glance at you again and I find you already staring at me biting your bottom lip eyes full of innocence, more boldly this time, but then you blush and press your head against my chest again.

Categorized as sexystories