All Expenses Included

**Including All the Expenses**

I perused the brochure once more to make sure I understood the trip details. The tour consisted of several famous cities in mainland Europe. Each city had an appeal of their own.

I let my eyes roam to the bottom line on the brochure. It stated that a fee of two thousand Euros made this an all-expenses-paid trip. I checked the list of expenses. The accommodations for singles reported double occupancy, which meant that they’d put single males or females together with the same sex as roommates.

The tour was for 14 days and 13 nights and seemed adequate for the cities we’d visit. Our mode of transportation was a private coach, which would make the trip more comfortable, as it would be only our group on the bus. The brochure also stated that side trips were available at no extra cost.

Meals were also integrated into the trip price. They offered a continental breakfast, packaged lunch, and a complete dinner. This also included tips.

As I continued to look over the brochure, I spotted a section for miscellaneous expense coverage in the famous red-light district in Amsterdam. They even offered a coupon for personal companion services overnight in Paris. In Rome, a complimentary “full service” massage at “La Dolce Vita” was on offer. The implications intrigued me. 

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Me and My Brother – Rubber Out

**Fucking My Dear Brother…**

 Last year, over Thanksgiving break, my mom made me and my brother share the guestroom because both sets of grandparents were in our rooms. I never thought we had anything in common because he’s a few years older than I am.

Since we had a bunch of time to spend together, we had a chance to talk. We liked many of the same things, and even worked at the same grocery store over the Summer, etc.

**“I remember working in that store,” my brother said.**

“Really? Was that old brown refrigerator still in the breakroom when you were there?” I sat with him upon the bed. He sat on the old camping cot mom made up for him.

He laughed. “God, yes. It’s still there?”

His laughter made me smile. “Sure is. It’s so ugly. It screeches just before it shuts of and then the motor makes this loud clunk. It’s so annoying. Luckily, I’m only in there for fifteen minutes for my break.”

My brother stared at me with a smile still on his face. It was odd, though, it felt like he was checking me out.

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A Trip to Lisbon

**A Fuck in Lisbon**

It was during one of the summer breaks when I got the opportunity to visit Lisbon with my family, my mother and my father. it is such a beautiful place with so many attractive visiting places like beaches, museums, ancient decorative tiled places, to name a few.

My father got us two rooms for our stay at Casa Maestro. We would plan our entire day for visiting exciting places and would be back in our rooms just to hit our cosy bedrooms.

There I met Rodrigo, a young, smart, and caring guy. He was the son of the owner of Casa Maestro. He turned out to be a saviour for me as he would always help me with the internet troubles I would get in the hotel while talking to my BFF, Tisha.

He would show up whenever I would call the front desk for help. I asked for his help on the very first night of our stay when I was facing issues face timing my BFF. He came to my room where I was all alone, I was in my bathrobe, I told him about the network issues and he responded in his broken English that he would fix the internet.

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Sharon the FuckMeat

Sharon?” is the first thing he says when I pick up the phone, just in case, it’s an employee or, God forbid, my husband answering.

My heart pounds and my vulva immediately begins to juice when I hear his voice.

“Speaking,” I reply, barely able to say a word because my throat is suddenly clogged with the sexual desire rising in me.

“Fuckmeat,” he says, the gross obscenity followed by a number.

The former is the trigger, the code that means I’ll be putting aside my carefully constructed life as a well-respected, high-flying political executive for the evening.

He murmurs the number I’m going to take later that afternoon, is fourteen.

###  Fuckmeat 14.

It’s humiliating and I adore the wrongness of it. The contrast between me as a professional and the warehouse slut excites me in a way I can’t define.

“Thank you,” I say, outwardly calm.

Inside, however, my body is raging.

A signal from my phone that his email has arrived: the directions to the venue, the location of tonight’s lewd soiree.


The thing is, as I get older my sex drive increases.

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Mom and Me; I fuck her

**It Begins**

“Beverly, Beverly, what has happened to you?”

I was walking past the downstairs bathroom when I heard those words. As I could see the view from the few inches opening of the door, I could see my mother right in front of the mirror, but it was unintentional.

Mom was wearing clothes that would just hide her body parts appropriately and would work perfectly for work out. I could see how her pieces were hugging her tightly and pressing against the most desirable places as she was gaining pounds here and there. The thick meaty camel toe is something not to miss when she works out. she moved her hands through the curves of her stomach swiftly and sucked her lower lip while questioning at her untoned body. She watched my reflection as turned to me and I turned red because of my secretly peeping action.

*“Christopher,* what are you doing?” Mom asked.

I could not hide my laugh and told her sorry I just heard all the things. She laughed and I laughed back. I stepped inside and she asked me about the pornstar she looked like my father mentioned to her. I tried to ignore but she managed to bring an answer from my mouth and I said mom it’s ‘Alexis Fawx’.

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Maid Caught Me Fucking My Boyfriend

Since nobody in the house, not even my family, was aware of the fact that I had a boyfriend, I had to lie to the maid. At 9 pm he showed up and in the most innocent way I could, I told her that he was my friend from tuition class and that he came over so we could study together for an hour.

The maid let him in and we started chatting. As we awkwardly talked, she continued to look at us suspiciously, as if she didn’t want to lose sight of us. We were both tense and excited at the idea of ​​having sex, I could see his erection pressing through his pants.

“The notes you need are upstairs in my room,” I said innocently to my boyfriend after a long wait, raising my voice a little to get the maid to hear it.

We were so excited that we quickly ran upstairs.  Once in my room, my boyfriend didn’t waste any more time: he pushed me towards the study table, making me cling to it.  While I was leaning forward, my boyfriend fumbled in his pants, finally pulling his penis and his balls out of the zipper.  He pulled down my pyjamas and panties and pushed his cock inside of me. I started to feel pain as soon as he started banging me, and although I was quite wet, my boyfriend struggled to get into my vagina completely. But he didn’t stop and kept pushing hard.

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My Mom and I in Las Vegas

My mom had recently been suffering because of a divorce.  I guess maybe she had decided that she no longer wanted to be married to a womanizer anymore. It has only been drugs and alcohol for her since then. So, I like any other smart girl asked her to come to Vegas with me.

We had the much-needed fun though. With both of us going to spas and getting our bare butts massaged by hot guys. Yet mom was not ready to get into the Dick business. Though I did notice that she silently enjoyed the attention she was receiving.

Interestingly though, I did notice some startling noises from her side of the bed in the night. WTF my mom was rubbing her pussy like crazy! I just pretended to be sleeping since getting caught masturbating by your daughter is perhaps the last thing any mother would want.


We decided to go for dinner together in a fine restaurant to just chill and enjoy Vegas. Things were good. We ate while hearing to a band and mom was all smiley again.

Mia Khalifa Gets Stuck in The Alleyway…

Mia suddenly began to shiver. Each girl in the town was warned since they were kids to never try to venture in that dark and shady alley even if it seemed to be the last option on Earth. She did not get to know why but that was about to change…

She was late for work. Therefore, in order to reach there on time, it was necessary that she take the forbidden path. At a first glance, it did not exactly look like any of the gangster hideouts. Just 100 meters and she would be at a block away from her stupid bar.

Gathering her residual strength, she took a deep breath and started to take her first steps. After about half a minute, she was halfway through the path.

“Well well well, what do we have here today?” Mia’s face turned ashen as she heard those chilling words. She turned her head only to find herself gazing at a brunette bombshell with two huge guys just a few feet ahead of her. What in the fucking world! They surely had not really been over there while she was taking a look at the alleyway. Where the fuck did they just magically appear from?

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