Another Universe

“That there could be an infinite number of universes each with a different law of physics. Our Universe could be just one bubble floating in an ocean of other bubbles.”

-Michio Kaku (Physicist)

*Fuck I’m hungry, and I’m stuck in this hotel.*

He was so bored, and lonely. Staying in a hotel for reserve military duty, hours from home, hours from his wife, hours from his kids. What a weird dichotomy of feelings. He hated his life…he was ready to admit that to himself now. He did not love his wife…or at least did not love her the way he should. She treated him like shit…maybe he treated her like shit as well…he wasn’t going to live in denial that it probably goes both ways, you really can’t have a failing marriage caused 100% by one party, or at least not often. He really did feel abused though, emotionally, verbally…and trapped, definitely trapped. He loved his kids more than anything in the universe and readily admitted to himself he stayed married for them. He didn’t want a broken family, but god fucking damnit he was tired of the abuse. And so a large part of him enjoyed this time away from his wife to perform his military duty. It was his escape, his refuge from the constant abuse. He just missed his kids…dearly.

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