The Best Night of my Life [oral, mf, loving]

First time posting here so be nice please! :) This is fiction, by the way.

My heart was already thumping heavily as I knocked gently on the front door. His parents were out for the weekend, and we’d chosen to finally make the step into sex. We’d spent the last 5 months building up to it. Getting used to each other’s bodies, and discussing how we felt, and now the night was finally here. My stomach had been doing somersaults all day, from the second I took extra caution shaving in the shower before slipping into a new pair of sexy underwear I’d bought, feeling like a stranger to my own body. But I was ready for this. I knew it. We both were.

He opened the door almost instantly, looking drop dead gorgeous as always, his smile spreading up to his chocolate brown eyes. I melted at the sight, and if anything my heartbeat sped up.

“Hey you” he said, embracing me and pulling me inside out of the cold.

I didn’t trust my voice, so just smiled up at him from the safety of his arms, before noticing my surroundings. The whole place was gently lit with candles. The lounge floor had been set up with duvets and pillows, and the fireplace was filling the room with friendly warmth.