Manager and his right hand [MF][Cheating]

*It is my first post here, so any criticism is appreciated. Story is based on a real story of my pal (changed names and locations for anonymity)*

Adam and Donna were in very dynamic relationship for a very long time. They met in college, on first year, when they hated each other. Then they felt in love in second one, just to break up on third and get back together after finishing their apprenticeship. The issue was always the same. Adam wanted more close and intimate relation, while Donna was more focused on having good time. It always worked, when she was too tired to go to club and he occasionally gave up his organized life to party with her, but eventually, they always got tired with it and ended fighting.

After collage they both got jobs and decided to get married. It was good for them… for some time, until Donna realized, that she didn’t want to give up on her inner “party girl”. She was spending too much money and time in clubs and pubs with her girlfriends from work and that was too annoying for Adam, who wanted to buy a house one day. He knew, that Donna eventually will calm down and start enjoying more settled way of life- he needed to be patient. He worried though, that Donna might be to reckless and one day she will cheat on him, while being drunk. That insecurity and her carelessness, caused few big fights in their rented apartment.