I have been working with leather making wallets and handbags for years. I took my skills into the erotic leather working market to make some things for my wife within the past years and we have enjoyed being able to design and make custom pieces for our own use.
Well, lo and behold, one of my wife’s friends happened to see some of my handiwork and became quite inquisitive about the items. She spoke with my wife and after a time asked if it would be possible to have me make her a full body harness, custom for her.
My wife told me about the request and after I hemmed and hawed a bit, she told me it was okay with her. I made sure she was good with this, insisting to her that it would mean that I would be with her friend when she was naked to fashion the body harness. “no”, she said, “I’ll want to watch how you measure and fit her for it.”