I got into an erotica writing battle on twitter. 1000 word sexy story involving a movie. My entry is called “Cumbusters”

Hey, just having battle with @kafkarotica. We are using Reddit to judge what we did. You can follow me on twitter @SDavisBooks and read more at spencerdavisbooks.blogspot.com/

My favorite scene was coming up. It was hard to believe a movie this great was thirty-years-old. I peered through the hole in the wall where the projector shot the film to the screen inside the theater. Goldsmith Theater loved offering the oldies on Saturday nights’ midnight showings. Sometimes the seats were packed, sometimes not so much. Tonight was in between.I tugged the licorice between my teeth when the door clicked closed. Pulling my gaze away from the movie, I turned to see what the manager wanted.

Only it wasn’t the manager.

Categorized as Erotica