Had this dream about a friend, had to vent out!

She checked her phone for the millionth time. No messages. Her last message was left on read she hadn’t gotten a reply in 2 days.
She had met Neil on twitter while they were both defending a singer against some trolls. When they started talking they hit it off like they had known each other forever. They never shared any personal details though and none of them had any intention to go forward from the friendzone they had put each other into.

“ Why did I have to say I missed him?! Now I scared him away.” She cursed to herself.

Despite just being friends it was pretty evident Kiara had gotten used to him and his texts everyday. His absence left her a bit unsettled. Or maybe it was a little more than his absence. She admitted to herself that her pulse increased when she first saw the face behind the tweet that had taken her side amidst all the trolls. And from then Kiara could feel herself getting wet whenever they facetimed for her alleged German classes she took from him. She’d learn a new language and have an excuse to call him whenever. When he taught her about tongue movements to get the perfect accents she couldn’t help but imagine it mingling with hers, or on her thighs or even inside her.

Categorized as Erotica