Cynical, adjective. According to Wiktionary.

(medicine, rare) Like the actions of a snarling dog, especially in reference to facial nerve paralysis.

1818, Matthieu Joseph Bonaventure Orfila, A Treatise on Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Poisons, Considered as to their Relations with Physiology, Pathology, and Medical Jurisprudence:

Towards noon, he experienced convulsive movements; the extremities became stiff, the pulse extremely small, and he died during an attack of cynical spasm.

1857, New Orleans Medical News and Hospital Gazette – Volume 3, page 278:

On the contrary, in woman, the cynical spasm, though felt with as much, or even more violence than the other sex, is not followed with the same deleterious effects, and may be repeated much oftener without any unfavorable consequences.

1986, Giuseppe Roccatagliata, A History of Ancient Psychiatry, page 125:

Demetrius Attalicus studied the symptomatologies due to strictura cerebri, characterized by a cynical spasm of the facial nerve.

2009, Hilary Evans & ‎Robert E. Bartholomew, Outbreak!: The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior, →ISBN:

Something of the same sort happened at Hensberg, Germany, where the nuns were afflicted and committed the sin they called “the silent sin.” In their ecstasies, their convulsions were very violent and interspersed with “cynical movements of the pelvis

Categorized as Erotica

Improvement Plan.

This is in the same universe as that outline, _but I don’t know anything about golf_. There is no farking yet, but there will be.

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

McKenna and I were talking on the firm’s email system.

“Character, this is straight-up unhinged. I will never use any of this, ever.”

“Before I begin, I have a speech disorder and I wish to take more of my speech disorder meds.” I did so, and I continued, asking, “am I being confronted?”

“No, you are not being confronted, you are being corrected. I refuse to have 72 husbands.”

“Okay, you can have 72 spouses, 40 of them grown men,” and I do a quick calculation on the calculator, ” and 32 of them grown women.”

“No, I already have a husband.”

“Okay, then we only need 39 extra grown men, and 32 more grown women.”

“No, I’m not a lesbian.”

“Okay, then we only need 39 extra grown men.”

“No, I’m not interested in more spouses.”

“Maybe if you had 7 sons?”

But I don’t know anything about golf – an outline of an erotic thriller.

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

“But I don’t know anything about golf,” Director McKenna said back to their adviser.

“You don’t have to know anything about golf, it’s a business. Just stay positive during the interview, keep a journal on secret for me and everyone else, make alliances, and use lawyers to attack your enemies, you’ll be fine.”

“Well, it is in a firm that competes with John’s sideline in golf, we can form a cartel together.”

Chapter 1 – McKenna is my type, a deep-voiced single white redhead (32f). She gets into an interview, and goes home at the end of the interview. She gets a call for another interview, and shows up and grants the interview, at the end. Work is wack s—. If there were anything that was not wack s— people do to each other, they would trust an underling to do it for them. Almost every sentence is several words at least, and every word is another reason why what they are doing is wack.

Categorized as Erotica