The bosses’ daughter

I’ve worked at a small family owned business for years. They had kids and I got to know them pretty well as there was only a couple of years between me and the oldest son. When he helped out his dad we always had fun.
The youngest of the family was the daughter. I watched her grow from a kid into a beautiful young lady. She was already quite the looker when she was 16 and she knew it. Parading around in a small bikini in the summer. Jokingly asking me out, too which I always answered, “Come back when you’re 18.”

I quit working there shortly after that summer, but stayed in touch with the sons a bit. Also following her on Insta. Her pictures grew increasingly more interesting and after she turned 18 a couple of months ago it’s only been bikinis and short skirts. I started liking all of them and one day after a couple of beers I decided to write her a DM.

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