Say My Name [MF][BWWM][Interracial]

**A BWWM erotic short story adapted from the classic fairytale, Rumpelstiltskin. Also published on Literotica.**


“Tomorrow? But there’s no way I can have the money by then.” Tasha bit her lower lip. The last thing she wanted was to break out in tears over the phone.

“I really hate to put you in this position, Tasha. I admire your business and want to help you out in any way I can, but you’re three months behind on the rent. And I can’t stay on top of my wife’s hospital bills without this income.” Henry was genuinely apologetic and she felt a twinge of guilt at having forced him into this situation.

It wasn’t his fault that she hadn’t had steady business in over a month. “How’s she doing?”

“Her spirits are high, which is more than we could ask for.” He sounded tired but hopeful.

Mrs. Sutter had been in and out of the hospital since Tasha signed her lease almost a year ago. “I’ll keep her in my prayers.” Prayers were about all she had to offer at this point.

Riding the Wave [MF][BWAM][Interracial]

Originally posted on Literotica in two parts.


“Come on, baby. It’ll be fun,” I whine, growing frustrated at having to beg my husband for sex yet again.

I lie alone in my hotel room, in my decadently plush queen bed. I push the crisp white sheets aside to cool my burning body. The ice cold air conditioning drifts across my hardening nipples. I imagine Maurice with the phone to his ear and his thick, brown fingers wrapped around his long cock. My hand drifts across my round belly, past my curls and down to my weeping channel.

“It’s been a long day. All I can think about is sleeping,” Maurice says from the other line. Guessing by his annoyed tone, his hand is nowhere near his cock.

“We can make it a quickie,” I say huskily, the phone lodged between my ear and shoulder. With my free hands, I part my swollen lips and rub my throbbing clit. Watching all those muscled surfers at the beach has left me in need of release.

Maurice yawns. “Tomorrow, I promise. I can hardly keep my eyes open.”

[MF][BWWM][Black Woman][Interracial] A Swedish Massage

I originally posted this story on Literotica under the title “23 Ways to Get Laid”.


“I ordered a woman.” I stand in the doorway of my hotel room glaring at a tall, blonde white guy. I tighten the belt of my terry cloth robe.

His full upper lip curls in a slight sneer. “You reserved an appointment with Abbi.” I can’t pinpoint the light accent. Nordic, maybe? “I’m Abbi.”

Who names their son Abbi? “Obviously, I thought you were a woman.” The perky clerk at the front desk failed to mention that Abbi, the only masseuse available today, was a man. For what I’m paying for this private massage, mistakes are unacceptable, especially after the day I’ve had.

“As you can see, I’m not a woman, Ma’am.” He emphasizes that last bit. I openly examine him. He looks to be in his late 20s, likely only a few years younger than me. The white cotton t-shirt stretches across his broad shoulders and seems tight enough at the sleeves to cut off the circulation to his bulging biceps. His blonde hair, short on the sides and longer on top, is parted at the side and neatly combed back, giving him the appearance of a business man more than a masseuse.