Femdom, Facesitting

2nd post, hope you enjoy


you come in from your workshop, boots, vest, remnants of sawdust are scattered here and there. your hair is tousled and askew. you’re breathing just a bit faster, too. seems like you’ve had a good day and made progress on your project

i happen to be in the kitchen when you walk in. i watch as you remove your boots, hang your vest, smooth your hair. “Good day i see! can i get you anything?”

“Yes, I’d love a lemon drop. bring it to me upstairs.” you head off down the hall and up the stairs. i hear the bedroom door close.

i grab the mixers, and make you a drink. i hurry up the stairs to give it to you

i tap-tap on the door to let you know i’m coming in. as i swing open the door, i see the covers pulled back on the bed, and the pillows on the floor. you’re just getting out of the last of your clothes – you remove your bra, then your underwear. you’re now naked before me

Soft Femdom, Male Chastity

First post ever, constructive criticism welcomed and appreciated.

we’re getting ready for bed, and as usual, i am so horny

i rub my hardening dick up against you, Hey i made something for you , i say

yeah i can see that, you say. you’re not amused

i’ll meet you in bed, i say slyly

i get into bed, trying to look all smooth and attractive. waiting for my girl, and i have every intention of making her mine. gonna take her and get all up in her. that’s my plan, at least

think about how surprised i am when you walk in holding my cage – a stainless steel beast, prison for my dick. my dick immediately deflate

whatcha gonna do with that?

you know. lay on your back

with a smoothness normally reserved for ninja masters, you swoop in and lock me up.


my love, i’m worn out. i need a break tonight. your eyes meet mine. the look you give says you’re sorry, but you must. you gently move your lips to my cage. you kiss my cage lovingly and tell my dick not to worry, that you’ll be back for him