Sneaking out of church [f/nb]

“Come here, this is the comfiest couch.” Eli reached out then gestured vaguely behind her towards the mostly empty couch cushion.

“It really is, isn’t it.” Ridna sat back into the deep third cushion, leaning in towards Eli’s upside down face. “It is absolutely wasted on a church.”

“I don’t want to be creepy. It’s just that it’s so awesome that you do what you want, go wherever. Even if you do have to wear a skirt.”

“Do I really seem that way? I don’t feel that way at all.”

“What’s something you really want to do right now but can’t?”

“You really want to know the truth?”

“I really want to know.”

“I really want to kiss you right now. Is that okay?”

Eli smiled and reached up to twine her fingers in Ridna’s dark hair, excited and terrified by their forthright manner, pulling their head down towards her. Ridna braced their hands on either side of Eli’s chest and kissed her tentatively at first then harder as Eli returned the kiss fiercely. Channeling their rage into defiant lust, Ridna hoisted Eli into their lap. Eli let one hand slide from Ridna’s hair to trace their jaw and run fingers delicately down their neck. Ridna broke the kiss, gasping for air, stretching their neck into the caress and let out a quiet moan. Eli startled and withdrew slightly, glancing towards the door, subconsciously clenching her shoulder muscles.

Categorized as Erotica