Searching for Multi-para writers!

I am a multiple paragraph detailed roleplayer and I am looking for serious roleplayers who can do the same wither they are male or female. Now the thing is I have two characters a pair of twins who are a Gallade and Gardevoir named Cecil and Cecilia who get up to “no good”. I write plenty of stories with them and I have a lot of plot ideas for different settings and such.

These are the ideas I have

There’s the two of them getting stuck outside during winter while their parents are out to dinner or something so they have to figure some way of staying warm. Desperate times calling for desperate measures of course.

One in which perhaps the brother attending college has his own apartment where he lives by himself. Though the sister gets kicked out of their mother’s house for whatever reasons and goes to see if she can stay with him. However she is very teasing even if with her brother even doing some quite drastic and questionable things.

Categorized as Erotica