Lyra’s Erotic Frolic with a Fairy

Lyra’s Erotic Frolic with a Fairy

C.C. Steiner.

*She could see through him, the dust floating inside his body like if the millions and millions of stars in the night-sky swam instead of staying put. Despite all this, he was a solid enough presence that she felt it as if he were a regular man. He was much taller and wider than her, and his face was both beautiful and plain at the same time. His head had horn-like points on the back. She couldn’t quite explain it but she was attracted to him. Him standing there, completely still…*

*1. An Introduction to Fairies*

*Fairies are curious creatures, possessing intelligence nearing to that of a human, but they lack the ability to communicate with us. It is unknown how they communicate with each other, or if they even communicate at all, no two have ever been seen together. They are an introverted creature, residing in a glade – a small forested enclosure similar in nature to that of a birds nest, but far more magical in nature – and they lure passers in by the magical glowing aura surrounding it. One could easily withstand it if they know what to expect, but caught by surprise their magic acts as a siren song to passers by.*