The Sexual Adventures Of C And A: pleasing me on work day

 This particular story took place on May 20th, 2014 (the same day I'm writing this). Open house is coming up, so every week we have a "work day." Work day is just a minimum day schedule where, instead of leaving at one o'clock, we're forced to sit in our homeroom and work on something to present at open house. That is, if you can't get yourself an excuse to leave. It isn't hard for A to leave school. He's 18, so he can sign himself out. It's different for me, though. I have to have a parent call. Lucky for me, I had a dentist appointment that would have let me leave school about fifteen minutes early. I convinced my mom that work day is stupid, and to sign me out early. I also asked if A could come over, and she said yes. Flash forward to after I've left school. I'm at home with my two brothers (One is home a lot because he takes online classes and one goes to school with me. The latter walked home with me.). One brother is in the shower. I'm laying on the floor on tumblr, and A is to come over soon. I hear the back door open, and then see him walk into the kitchen. "Hey babe." he says as he plops down next to me. "Hey" I smile, and kiss his forehead. We mess around on tumblr for a while, and then he adjusts and kisses me. "You wanna go make out on the couch?" he asks me with a grin. "No!" I say, shushing him and looking around, "My brother is sitting right next to it!" We go back to browsing tumblr, and then the brother that was downstairs with us leaves. I look at A and grin. "You wanna go make out on the couch?" "No moaning... Remember... that one of your brothers... is still in the shower." A says between kisses. "Whatever" I respond, kissing him passionately. We're laying on the couch, in a position kind of like spooning. The only difference is that A is leaned up and my head is turned towards him so we can kiss. A turns me onto my back and starts messing with the collar of my shirt. I lean back from kissing him, and he laughs as I raise my eyebrows at him. There's no way to take my warning seriously, he knows I love this. He pulls down my shirt, and slides my bra down with it. He starts licking my nipple with just the tip of his tongue, and then kisses it gently. He continues doing this until that nipple is sufficiently hard, and then moves to my right side. I arch my back with pleasure, pushing his face harder into my breasts. He comes up and smiles, and then puts his face between them. He moves his head back and forth a little, still teasing my nipples with his fingertips. A comes back up to kiss my lips, and I pull my shirt back to its intended position (just in case my brother comes downstairs). I turn towards him so we can kiss more comfortably. He starts massaging my clitoris through my sweatpants, and makes a comment about how wet I already am. He reaches around to feel my butt, just like he always does (he loves dat booty). His hand slides into my underwear and he squeezes my butt. He makes his way down to my vagina and starts sliding up and down my slit. He slowly presses one finger inside of me, gently feeling the inside. He flips me around so we're spooning (sorta), and pulls my pants just past my butt. After getting me really wet with his one finger, he slips in a second. I start to moan, but shush myself when I remember my brother. A starts pushing in and out of me now, instead of just wiggling around inside. I love the way it feels and start to grind my self against his fingers, trying to make them go in deeper and faster. He realizes what I'm doing and begins going faster, leaving the deepness to me. Sadly, this where our story ends. My brother started coming down the stairs, so we started to just cuddle. No happy ending on this one, but definitely a good time!