So I was idly browsing one of many subs dedicated to nudey pics this morning, when I stumbled across [a photo of an awe-strikingly beautiful curvaceous woman]( **[WARNING: link is NSFW]** which — for want of a better phrase — set my soul on fire.
The lady in question had invited Redditors to provide detailed descriptions of the things they liked about her body. My spirit (and libido) having been pricked, I decided to write a poem in response. The words trickled, and they flowed, and then turned into a torrent. I experienced a flow state the likes of which I hadn’t been able to conjour in months; possibly years. And all because of a naked pic of a wonderfully full-bodied queen. Inspiration is a strange beast.
When I had finished, I couldn’t leave it alone. It was kind of like the pleasure/pain experience of picking at a scab. I was consumed by the desire to write, and eventually realised that the act of creating the poem itself had become more stimulating than the wonderfully gorgeous (IMHO) woman who had inspired it. So I tweaked, edited and reread for tone, imagery and voice.