Speedboat rescue

I was awoken by my husband shaking me by the shoulder. “Quick, come and see!” he said. I stumbled out of bed, bleary-eyed and peered out of the big picture window in our bedroom that overlooked the estuary. I could just make out what he was so excited about. A pod of dolphins were playing close to the shore, arcing their dorsal fins and occasionally jumping clear out of the water. ‘Let’s go and watch them’ he said, pulling me by the hand down the stairs and out to our dock where our speed boat was moored. I protested that I needed to get dressed first, but he said ‘don’t bother about that, let’s go!’. So, dressed only in my nightdress I climbed into the boat and he started the engine.

Categorized as Erotica

Austrian Sauna

I (45f) was skiing in Austria, and one afternoon, I left the family to ski and went to the local spa. I found the changing rooms, slipped into my bikini and headed for the sauna. As I was about to go in, the attendant looked at me, pointed to my bikini and shook his head. He pointed to a sign that said ‘no swimwear allowed in sauna’. There were some hooks on the wall where other people had left their stuff and he indicated that I could leave my bikini there. It felt as if I was being made to strip naked for someone I had never met before but I had heard that naked saunas were the custom in Austria so I quickly removed my bikini and shot through the heavy opaque door into the sauna. Once inside it took a few seconds before my eyesight adjusted to the gloom and I realised that there were seven or eight men sitting naked on the wooden benches that ran down both sides of the room. Feeling super self conscious I sat down and tried to relax. Closing my eyes I took some slow deep breaths and I quickly felt perspiration breaking out all over my body. Beads of sweat trickled down my chest, between my (very small) boobs and down over my stomach, pooling in my belly button before spilling over between my legs. Glancing up I could see that all eyes were on me; some looked away when they caught my eye but most just brazenly stared at my naked body. To my embarrassment I could feel my big nipples harden, very prominent on my tiny boobs, as I became aroused by the lust of the guys sitting only feet away from my naked body. Almost without thinking I uncrossed my legs a little to adjust my position on the hard wooden bench and felt the accumulated sweat trickle over my pussy and drip down onto the floor below. Trying to avoid anyone’s direct gaze I looked up and smiled, as I felt myself becoming increasingly aroused by the tense situation. Knowing that I should get up and leave, instead I just spread my legs a little wider, closed my eyes and leant my head back against the wall, accentuating the thrust of my boobs. Suddenly, feeling the potential for the situation to get out of control, I stood up, pulled the door open and stepped out into the bright light where the attendant smiled. I could feel his eyes on me as I grabbed my towel and fled for the changing rooms. It was such a hot experience.

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The taxi ride

We took a taxi from the small harbour on the beautiful Greek island of Paxos. We had heard about a restaurant and bar on the west coast, where every evening, people gathered to watch the sunset, drink cocktails and listen to some great music. After half an hour bumping along winding roads through the hills, we arrived at our destination just as the bar was starting to get busy. We arranged for the driver to collect us later and found a large table near the cliff edge with stunning views of the sea far below.

A group of young guys were sitting at the other end of the table and as the bar filled up we all shuffled up to make room and we started to chat to our neighbours. By the time that the sun had slipped down over the horizon and into the sea, the music was turned up loud and we had been on the cocktails for over an hour. I (F, 35 at the time) was feeling very woozy and flirting outrageously with everyone. The two boys near me were very funny, good looking and giving me their full attention and I was having a great time. I was wearing a white mini dress with a deep v neckline and no bra, and I could see their eyes drifting down to my chest when I realised one of my nipples had slipped out. I have tiny boobs but quite prominent nipples and this happens to me quite often as I don’t wear bras unless I have to. Laughing loudly, I adjusted my dress and called to our lovely Greek waitress for another round of drinks.

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