My Mean Aunt

I fucked my fat, ugly aunt on vacation. Which wasn’t that fun. The vacation, I mean. But fucking her was pretty fun. I had always enjoyed spending time around my cousins and my mom and definitely my Aunt K.K. And since I was 18, I figured this might by my last family vacation. But my Aunt Cathy was quite a bitch. But nobody said anything about it and mostly my mom and Aunt K.K. ignored that fact and didn’t let Aunt Cathy drag them down, and when they were alone and she went back to the suite we all shared to go to bed they laughed about her being the bitchy older sister.

I didn’t laugh. Aunt Cathy was a bitch to everyone but especially to me. I couldn’t figure out why she didn’t like me so I had stopped trying and I either tried to ignore her or when she did corner me with her meanness I tried to give it right back to her.

So, it didn’t surprise me when she came into the suite we had rented on the cruise ship being a bitch.

Aunt slides into my bed

I was almost asleep when I heard the door to my room open. Someone was trying to sneak in. I could hear whoever it was trying to close the door slowly and quietly, but they weren’t doing a good job of being sneaky. I could tell they were coming up to my bed, then felt whoever it was slide in under the covers next to me.

It had to be my Aunt K.K..

She was staying with us that weekend, along with her two small children. I had heard her and my mom talking earlier the day before and I knew she had a big fight with her husband and needed a place to crash. So, she and her two young daughters were at our house, sleeping in our guest room.

This wasn’t an unusual situation since I was pretty sure Aunt K.K. hated her husband and she would stay with us often. Tonight, had been a little different though. My other aunt, Aunt Cathy, had come over and the three sisters, Cathy, K.K. and my mom had spent the evening on the back patio drinking wine and talking and laughing. My younger sister had played with my cousins and I had hung out in my room. A few times I could hear them get loud and laugh and say something inappropriate, but I mostly played video games and didn’t listen. I was off from my job and wanted to just relax.

Categorized as Erotica