If you go down to the woods today

Late one night you ask to be driven to our familiar spot, these same woods where youve walked/jogged many a time in the morning and evening suns. Never this late, in total darkness.

Following strict instructions of what path to take for a run, double checking for safety. You give me the pre arranged code word set weeks ago and start off on your jog. Both nervous and excited in equal measure.

You plug in your headphones and start running into the woods following the path you know. There is literally nobody else about, not even dog walkers.
It’s so dark in there that you may actually be starting to get genuinely freaked out and worried in case you cant be found. Wearing what you usually would for a run… just jogging clothes, leggings, t shirt, jacket and a headband.

Further into denser woodland you go. stopping dead in your tracks when you hear a noise and sense someone’s close by. Taking an earphones out to investigate, your heart is racing as there’s a part of you that isnt even sure if its who you expect or not. You start walking instead of running, looking around waiting for a familiar face to appear but you see noone. Its making your adrenalin surge and instincts kicks in.

Categorized as Erotica

Take a seat

About to head home from a tiring day you want nothing more than to just de-stress and take a load off your mind. Youve had this energy bubbling inside you for a while now. An urge to not have to worry and feel out of control and let someone else see to your needs. To hand over your control to another.

After a few messages youve got something in the works. A new flame, eager and promising.

You arrange to meet at his place. A short detour on your way home. One that should give you the satisfaction you crave this evening. Thinking about all the possible scenarios youve just arranged has you all a fluster as you find yourself becoming increasingly aware of the seatbelt pressing your nipple and the feel of leather seat on your skin as your skirt rides up.

You arrive, and are outside the door eagerly awaiting what lies on the other side. The door swings open and there he is, your new, exiting play thing. Only its he who has that look in his eye. He invites you in, leading you from the hallway to the kitchen, pouring you a glass of wine, listening to you tell him about your day and this feeling youve been talking about lately. He is well aware of what you speak and says he may have just the thing.

Categorized as Erotica

After work tease

You’ve been working late your eyes started to get heavy and just want to take the weight off your shoulders and relieve some stress, I tell you to go put on that beautiful piece you like and wait for me on the bed, ill be along shortly, you slip upstairs and into the most stunning negligee, just when you have yourself set and comfortable, the door swings open, you look up and see me in the doorway looking at you with fiery Intent I walk across to you, eyes never losing focus, i stand beside the bed, you shuffle forward with eager eyes, I marvel at your beauty in such an outfit, one hand brushing the hair away from your face then slowly falling to the nape of your neck leaning in in and telling you you that now now it’s my turn put in the work, hand under your chin, lifting. my lips moving down your neck over your chest sinking to my knees knewith one hand on each thigh why move your legs apart and being to kiss from your knee down your thigh your legs lifted onto my shoulders.

Categorized as Erotica