[GRP] Kas’s Visit – Part 4 End

Chris awoke to see golden light pour in from outside. He blinked to clear his eyes and then remained there, looking at the wall for several moments. Kas stirred behind him. Slowly adjusting himself to face her, they came up close almost touching each other’s noses. She made a half blink, and then another blink taking in Chris’ face and then the bright wall behind him. Meeting his eyes, she smiled a gentle smile. Her eyes were small and the bright green glistened. They were like beautiful green pearls he thought. They stared at each other for the longest few moments.

She put a hand on his chest, right where his heart was. He stroked the side of her cheek, where the little line separated her cheek with her mouth. He could only think of one thing to say. “I love Annja”, he whispered. It was a stupid thing to say but Kas had understood. She smiled, her eyes smiling with her, and she stroked his cheek as he had stroked hers. “And that is why I love and respect you”.

[GRP] Kas’s Visit – Part 3

The next morning, Saturday, Kas and Chris woke up at roughly the same time. They met in the hall and hugged. Kas told him that she was going to shower while he cooked breakfast. Carol’s door was closed.

As Kas got her clothes for her shower, she picked out clothing for Carol, the smallest things she had. Gently opening Carol’s bedroom door, she found Carol lying on the bed facing away from her and smiled when she saw her naked back and black thong. Laying the bundle of clothing on the chair, she slowly closed the door and left Carol to sleep.

As Kas showered, Carol awoke. She slowly stretched and adjusted her thong. Getting up, she noticed that clothes were neatly laid out on the chair. Turning red, she wondered who had seen her. Kas most definitely. She smiled slyly.

The clothing was nice. A pair of gentle blue socks, a blue shirt a little too big for her, a pair of jeans which she wondered how would fit, and… panties. She laughed. Stripping completely, she tugged on the tight panties that were almost like a thong themselves, and then the jeans.

[GRP] Kas’s Visit – Part 2

They walked together and talked about the wonderful cool weather. Coming up on the loop, Kas took in the sound of the lapping waves and ran towards the rocks. “I love this”, she almost shouted. Carol followed in a run and Chris walked behind them. As Carol fell in step behind Kas, she looked at her strong thighs and butt. She was commando for sure and had a wonderful shape to her hips and waist. The grey shirt looked good, red and white on grey, on the black of her leggings.

Like a mountain goat, Kas quickly bound up the rocks and stood tall looking down at the water. Her pony tail waved in the wind. Chris and Carol came up beside her. The water was clear below them, with a light green below and a little further away, and then dark blue in the distance. Kas called it beautiful.

[GRP] Kas’s Visit – Part 1

“And we have arrived!”, Chris said as we exited the highway for the airport. Following the signs for international arrivals was easy as he knew the way. Approaching the exits, he slowed down to a crawl and started looking for Kasya. Carol also looked, but having only photos to go off of, she kept an open mind.

Chris glanced at the car’s watch and nodded. “We are a bit early, but she should be out any minute”.

As they approached the end of the strip, Chris accelerated and joined with other traffic to make a loop. Carol thought about what she knew about Kas. Very pretty, blonde like her sister Annja, very beautiful face, and sexy all around, so probably wearing something sexy.

Chris came down the exit ramp racing and used engine braking to slow down. Once happy, he switched to neutral and coasted for as long as he could.

“Oh! Is that her?” Chris followed Carol’s finger to a slender blonde girl and just shook his head with a smile. Rolling along as slow as a snail, Chris finally decided that they had come to too-slow a crawl and punched the car back into gear. Not two meters later, he hit the brake, and made a crazy move to grab a spot.

[M] In New York

Arriving at home giggling, we went to the kitchen to sit. The roof creaked though and I looked up. She joked that during the snow storm a while ago, she had to shovel the roof with the neighbors shovel since they didn’t pack one. And then she added, if we were to get buried, it would be okay as we would be buried together :-)

She announced she was going to shower and change. I had completely forgotten about her habit of changing twice a day. As she showered, I wrote notes, while charging my piece of shit phone, and looked around the house. I noticed that they had no picture frames, which makes sense, and kept all the old furnishings. I imagined Anja spending a weekend cleaning everything. She never talked about chores.

In the time it took me to go around the house, she finished and called to me. I realized that in the hours we spent already, we were always together, except for now that she was in the shower. I smiled at myself.

Boss [F] – Part 3, Ending

He stared into my eyes and I stared back. Silently, he took hold of my hand softly and pulled me up. I felt wet drip out of me. A small stain darkened the white bedsheet. Looking over at the time, it was surprisingly 11:30pm. Looking back at him, I nodded and went to the bathroom.
Staring at myself in the mirror, I was both surprised and happy with what happened. I stepped into the shower and ran the water hot, showering everything off. I was nervous to touch his cum on my belly. I played with its texture before washing it all off.
My abs ached and my pussy felt slightly larger and puffy.
I stepped out of the shower and air dried as I brushed my teeth. Stepping out of the bathroom naked, he looked at me up and down. He had placed the dirty sheets on the floor all bunched up and was using one of the covers as a bed sheet. I walked past him silently and slid into my bed.
I could tell he wasn’t sleeping. I was definitely not. I slid out of bed and walked over to his. He turned towards me looking up at me. I raised the blanket over him and slid under. Feeling his warmth next to me, I fell under.

The alarm pierced through my black sleep. Both Dennis and I jumped out of bed. It took me a moment to realize I was naked. The alarm blared. Why is it so loud? I scrambled to find it and shut it off. Silence. I let out a breath and looked over at Dennis. We met eyes and I slowly curled up into a ball, hiding my parts. He turned away and I rushed to my luggage.
Remembering that it was going to be warmer today, I fished out my dark green dress. It was elvish, running long to my knees, with loose sleeves, and tight around the waste. I pulled out sheer black tights and pulled them on. No underwear of course.
I debated leaving my hair long or tying it up and decided to keep busy. I walked back to the bathroom and spent about 20 minutes doing up an elegant braid.

Dennis and I left the room together. I walked next to him; an equal. In the elevator, we stood together in the middle; me seemingly out of place looking like an elf, him in his suit. I moved my finger and touched his. Then held his hand. He held it back.
In silence, we walked together to the client’s building. In silence, we sat together waiting for the meeting to begin.

It took us time to get our rhythm back, but once we started getting involved, it was easy. It was a long meeting, and I had to be more involved. I asked questions, stole attention, made notes hastily. But all I could think about was his warmth and the way it all felt.

During lunch, I skipped away, going to the cafeteria by myself as to not draw attention.

After all the meetings, Dennis and I lied that we had a dinner together to catch up on BA projects and progress. In truth, there was quite a lot we could talk about. We silently got a taxi together and left the building.
Dennis gave the name of the hotel.

We were still very silent even when we were in the elevator. There was one other man with us. Finally, he got out on the floor below us. As the doors closed, I couldn’t help but grin to myself. And then, I felt something reach under my dress. I resisted moving away and began to smile. His hand grabbed my right ass cheek and I laughed.
The elevator doors opened and we both hurried to the door. I fumbled with the keycard and he fumbled with his wallet. I finally got the door open and ran in. He ran behind me. I turned to face him and he picked me up and held me close. I hugged his head as his face was buried in my chest and his hand held my ass.
His fingers found their way over my asshole and he pushed in a little, the fabric of the tights scratching me. He threw me on the bed and then threw the bottom of my dress over my chest. I crawled backwards over the foot gap between our beds. He crawled after me and buried his face in my underside. I lay with my back over the gap between the beds as I felt his mouth over my pussy.
Then he got to his knees, waddled over the bed and came next to me. He grabbed my hands while smiling at me and yanked them up high. My chest stretched, my boobs moving upwards. Holding my hands with his left hand, he ran his right hand over my chest and down my abs to my tights. He pulled on them, a wedgie painfully pulling on my underside. I let out an ahh and move up against the force.
My ass was over the gap between the beds. He let go of my hands and grabbed my ass, supporting it in the air, then yanked my tights down. I heard ripping but didn’t care. My underside was exposed and he moved it. I felt his hot breath on my pink, felt his tongue around my puffy lips, felt his lips closing over it. I groaned and felt myself getting we already.
He was reaching up feeling my midriff as his tongue went in and out, licking all over the place. I ahhed and ooued. Even though this was nothing like last night or what I had done to myself in the past, it still felt so good, I was so sensitive. I felt my nipples harden, my breath was quick, and I felt like I was going to boil from the inside.
I grabbed my own breasts, felt their fullness against the palm of my hands. His hands palmed my ass cheeks still supporting me up over the gap. He thrust his tongue in and I shook.
Then he pulled back and slid a finger in with a nice slurp. Awwg it felt like it went so far in! It felt so good I laughed at it! He laughed with me and went in with another finger in and out, in and out, then up and down. With each ram up I gave an ugh ugh ugghgh ah ah oouu. He raised my legs up high and rammed his fingers inside me harder and faster.
He pushed on my legs, bending backwards. Then he stopped and said, “look”. My cheeks hot as fire, I looked at myself. He had his two fingers at the bottom of my pussy, a pool of clear wet sitting at the edge of my hole. He slid his fingers inside then out and spread my wet around my pussy. It glistened.
He undid his belt buckle and slid his pants down. Feeling adventurous, I got up and took off everything. His dick was massive, dangling right and left as he moved. I grabbed it and pushed him backwards towards his bed. He lay down and I crawled on top of him. Holding his dick against his stomach, I sat on it and began moving up and down along his shaft. My wet made it super slippery. He awed and oued.
He slid a finger between his dick and my pussy trying to get at my slit. I slid back and forth as fast as I can. MY legs shook violently, uncontrollably. I rolled to the side unable to control myself. But then he jabbed three fingers inside all at once and violently fingered my up and down while holding my abs with his other hand. I shook and screamed loud. I felt things move inside that I’ve never felt before. I pushed.
Out came a gush of what looked like water. He gasped and fingered harder as his arm got wet. I was pushing like I was giving birth, squeezing my eyes shut, legs shaking as I held my thighs through the torment.
I calmed down, every few seconds my body shaking by itself. Dennis was over me, stroking his deck. I grabbed at it, and he let me have it. I stroked it harder and harder. He stared into my eyes until I felt him cumming, his dick throbbing with every push. White goop shot out and I let it land on my thigh.
When he was done, I took his hands and led him to lie down on the bed. I put him on his back and then lay on top of him. My face next to his, we breathed heavily in and out together. His dick still hard pegged my underside. He gingerly fingered me, slowly in and out.
I closed my eyes, carefully feeling every detail of his finger inside me, until I slept.

Boss [F] – Part 2

Something woke me up. The room was dark and I had rolled over to my side facing Dennis’ bed. There was movement. A flash of panic washed over me and I curled up. I waited. There was still movement but it was where Dennis’ bed was. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed an upward downward movement. Is he? Is he… jacking off?!
I watched. As my senses came more and more into focus, yes, he is! He let out a groan and jerked once, twice, three times. Did he just cum?!
I was shocked. He rolled over. I closed my eyes. Nothing. Opening them just a slit, I saw his silhouette but no eyes. He must have fallen asleep. After a few moments, I drifted off as well.

I have a good natural alarm clock. 5 am every day. I got so used to it that travel didn’t disrupt it even with a time difference. I still kept an alarm though just in case. I couldn’t remember the last time it actually rang though; I always got to it before time. A weak blue light shone through the curtains. Dennis was asleep still facing me. Remembering last night, my eyebrows shot up as I stared at his sleeping face.
Maneuvering slowly, I uncovered myself and snuck to my phone. I disabled the alarm clock. At this time, I usually do sit-ups and pushups. I figured the carpeted floor was so quiet that I could still do my morning routine. Crawling in my panties and shirt, I went back to the gap between the window and my bed. A cold draft was coming from the wall, but I ignored it. I did my best to stretch out my arms and legs in the confined space, then did pushups. Usually I do about 40 but I stopped at 30 as I didn’t want to tire myself out before the meetings.
I rolled over and started sit-ups. With each pump, my panties slid up my underside, but I didn’t care. I closed my eyes. One. Two. Three.
Twenty. Opened my eyes, nothing, closed them.
Forty. Opened my eyes. DENNIS! His face stared at my midriff then me. How long had he been there?
I stared at him. It felt like an eternity. I had an urge to cover up. Grab the towel! Grab the blanket! Hide! But I didn’t. I just stared.
“Do you want me to hold your feet down?” he asked with a straight, quiet but confident voice.
I was surprised. I looked at my own feet. “Oh! Uhhhhhh sure”.
He went to his knees. Oh no! He is too close. He will see you! The memory of him jacking shot before my eyes. His warm firm hands grabbed my feet around the ankles. He was like a warm anchor for each of them. I slowly looked to the ceiling and lay down. I tried to imagine how he was looking at me. I could feel him looking at me. I know he is looking at me! How far up are my panties! Oh my God they are so high my butt cheeks are probably completely showing! And my pussy! I took in a breath and almost stopped myself breathing because I felt like I was stretching in front of him, my midriff showing as my shirt betrayed me.
I crossed my arms over my chest. At least my pokies will get some privacy! I came up and touched elbows to knees, staring him down. He looked right into my eyes. I went back down. Up, eyes only, down. Up, eyes, down. Maybe he is just trying to help… You know that is not true!
I felt my temperature go up. I felt sweat break loose from my hair line.
“Fifty” I said with as strong a voice as I could.
“Do ten more”.
What?!??! But I complied. Maybe it was because he was my boss that I automatically obeyed? Or maybe it was because… I enjoyed the attention?.
I did ten more with my eyes closed. He counted out loud.
At sixty, I jumped to my feet and turned away. It was a good plan except that I gave him a clear view of my ass, my panties acting like a thong. I grabbed the blanket and covered my lower half. He quietly turned away. I heard him shuffling to his bed.
“You don’t have to worry” he said to his bed. “I’m married, have children, huh, I’m passed all that stuff. And I’m sure you’ve already had a good deal of fun too, pretty as you are. So, it shouldn’t be nothing new or anything you should be afraid of. At least not from me. I want you to be comfortable around me, in the office and wherever else”.
Thoughts swam in my head. I liked him as a person. I really did. Maybe I can trust him the way he says.
I slowly placed my blankets back on the bed, exposing myself, and fixed my panties. He turned towards me, looked at me in the eyes, and smiled. After a moment, I gave a smile back.
I walked over to my luggage. He turned away and fixed his bed. I unlocked my phone and checked the weather. It was going to be sunny but cold, warmer tomorrow though. So no dress today. I went to my luggage and picked out my dress pants, a black bra, and a plaid long-sleeved casual dress shirt. Eyeing Dennis, I went to the washroom.
Locking the door behind me, I let out a breath as if I was holding it in all this time. A feeling of confidence and trust came over me. I smiled. I took off my shirt and lay it on the counter. Slipping on my bra, I did it up and then buttoned on the dress shirt. It looked really good, coming down to the top of my panties. I looked in the mirror and rubbed some sleep out of my eyes. The plaid colors went well with my eyes and blonde hair. Being dirty blonde, I imagined it gave a kind of mysterious look to me.
I looked at my pants. These were the really soft ones. They were low rise and soft. When I wear these to the office, I usually go commando because I tuck in my shirt. It will work here too if I kept my undershirt. Hmm ok. I took off my dress shirt, put on my undershirt again, and then put on the dress shirt again.
Slipping my panties off, I then pulled on the dress pants, tucked in my shirt and zipped up the little fly. Mmm I felt good. I bent down and slapped my ass with a grin.

I was bored already. There were about five guys representing our client. We talked and talked but my analytical skills were being wasted on this Project Management BS. We came up on a break. The CTO asked me if I could give him a coke from the fridge.
“Sure”. I got up and asked Dennis if he wanted anything. He was sitting beside me after all.
“A diet coke please”.
I nodded and did a little dance around two chairs, opened the fridge, picked up both cans in one hand, turned around, closed the door with my leg and danced back around the chairs. When I looked up, everyone was looking at me with at least a small grin on their faces. A British guy, didn’t get his name and didn’t care, exclaimed, “good show!”. I blushed, gave Dennis and Sean their drinks, and plopped my ass back in my seat. I had completely forgotten. I pictured myself as if I was one of them watching. My ass and thighs moving around those chairs. The small of my back, my waist curving as I moved. My long hair falling to mid back waving back and forth taunting them.

Back at the hotel, Dennis and I rode the elevator together. Moving to press the button for our floor, his hand brushed against my right butt cheek, by accident I am sure. I felt butterflies and wanted to arc my back. As he came back to my side after pushing the button, he recalled the British man and we laughed all the way up to our floor. When I opened the door to our room, I said, “I got a few notes to type up. Then I want to walk around the place. Wanna come?” I usually walk in the evenings.
“Sure”, he smiled. I jumped onto my bed and fished out my little laptop from my luggage. Sitting up, I unbuttoned my dress shirt and caught Dennis watching. For some reason, I didn’t hesitate or feel bad, I smiled and continued unbuttoning, keeping my shirt tucked in.

I finished my notes about fifteen minutes later, but I heard Dennis clacking away. I wanted to give him time before asking him to go.
I was confident he was busy, and I was now comfortable with him, but a bit warm, so I took off my shirt. He didn’t notice. Good. I quickly forgot about him, comfortable in my bra as I went on Facebook. I posted a photo of my Charger a while ago and had a few unread comments so I went through them. Then I got chatting with someone about Hemi’s. Fun fact: I love to drive. I’m not so much the mechanic, but definitely the driver.
When I finished typing a message, I was surprised to hear silence. Dennis was watching me. I blushed and slowly raised my feet to me.
“I noticed you rubbing your shoulder earlier and during the meeting”.
Huh? Wait, what? Oh true, my left shoulder has been hurting me since the plane. I gave a small nod. Uh Oh.
He got up. He grabbed a pillow close to him and threw it at me. I laughed, confused, and threw it back. He caught it and held it up like he was going to hit me again. I grabbed my bellow and blocked his blow just in time. I laughed and tried to hit him. I was losing ground. He was at the foot of the bed, his knees on the mattress. I was on my knees hitting left and right.
He grabbed my left leg and threw me on my back. I whelped and landed with a laugh. But then gasped when I saw him on top of me. His fingers were touching my side and then… he started tickling me! He got me exactly where I am most ticklish, to the right of my abs. I laughed and screamed.
My eyes opened wide as I felt his other hand close over my mouth. He was smiling and laughing and continued tickling. I screamed from both shock and from the tickling.
He let me go and tickled me more. I laughed and let him continue. I tried to throw another pillow at his head but completely missed. He went to my arms pits and I closed them against him. Then he went to my neck and I scrunched up as hard as I could. We both were laughing so much. He grabbed my thigh and lifted it. I kicked back and hit my leg right above the knee on the side of the bed. There was a moment of pause as he waited and I took in the pain, then he attacked again completely distracting me.
I was going to pee. Between breaths, I screamed, “I’m… goooonnna PEEE!” as I thrashed my legs against the mattress. He let me go. I jumped up and ran to the washroom hearing his laughter behind me.
I was still catching my breath as I sat on the toilet and let it go. I washed then opened the door and gasped. Dennis was too quick. He grabbed me from the legs and back and carried me over to his bed. He threw me on the bed face down. I landed with a harder than expected flop.
“So where does your back hurt?”
I pointed.
“Okay. Where did you hit your leg?”
I pointed.
“Okay, so take off your pants”.
“What?! No”.
“Come on, Annja! How am I supposed to get there?” He said my name the English way “Anne-ya” rather than “Aan-ya”. He reached around my waist for my thigh. I thought of kicking him but didn’t want to hurt him. I could definitely fight him, but shook the thought from my head.
“No Dennis!”.
I flipped over but that only gave him more access. The button of my pants was loose anyway and the zipper easily came undone from all the pulling once the button gave. He pulled down in a ripping motion and I saw his eyes widen. He stared at my front end for a moment too long. I curled up but my ass was half exposed. He turned away and said “I’m so sorry!”.
I relaxed. What was he going to do anyways?
“You know what? Its ok. I do trust you”.
I stood up, undid my bra and took off my pants in front of him as he watched. Oddly, I felt so comfortable; like it’s completely normal to be naked anywhere. I could go outside right now in front of the world and show off my body.
“Wow”, he said under his breath. Then shook his head like shaking himself out of a daze and pointed to the bed.
I lay down, completely naked on the sheets, and waited. I watched him move closer and lay his hands on my back. He was warm and moved his fingers over my shoulder blades with practiced elegance. I closed my eyes.
“You are really beautiful, you know that Annja?”
I smiled.
He ran down my back and then to my sides. I could tell he was being careful not to touch my boobs. I wanted him to. I wanted someone to touch me.
“Feel good?”
He moved to my lower back. He put his thumbs in my back dimples and rotated and it felt really good.
“Flip over so I can see your leg”.
“But you will see me” I said. He didn’t reply. I flipped over anyways. He avoided making eye contact, rather looking down at me, then my leg.
He found the spot easily, it was probably bruising, and gently massaged it. As he used his thumbs, his other fingers brushed the insides of my thighs. Again. Closer. Closer. Annja! He is getting closer!
“I’m sorry Annja. I cannot resist”.
“No!” I said and tried to move away, but his hand was already on my mound. I felt his middle finger move into me. I was already so wet. I felt his finger ooze around.
“Oh my God!” he said.
Uncontrollably, I let out a loud aahh and opened my legs to him. “It feels so good!”. So much better when someone else is touching me!
His left hand made it to my left breast as his middle and index finger slid up and down finding my clit. Suddenly, he rubbed hard and I screamed. He jabbed in. He held my breast painfully tight but I loved it. He began to move his fingers in and out. “Yes!” I yelled as my legs thrashed around.
I felt my wet pulsating out of me. In a few seconds, there will be a stream!
Three fingers inside me, moving around my pink, making me feel like… unexplainable! My pussy pulsated around his fingers and I felt drops come out.
He pushed in and out, harder and harder. Then he cupped his fingers inside of me and rubbed the top. It felt like dragon skin inside of me. His thumb was on my clit as he pulled his fingers against my inside. Again and again. I convulsed and thrashed. I was dripping, I could feel wet all around my pussy. He pulled out suddenly, a puddle coming out with his fingers, the sound of splashing amazing. He grabbed me by the waist and flipped me over.
On all fours, I wanted him to do whatever he wanted to me! I wanted him to FUCK me! I felt his fingers go in again. He rubbed and rubbed, poked and poked. He pulled my hair and I loved it!
I didn’t even realize he unzipped his pants. I felt his hard rub against me. He groaned.
“No!”, I exclaimed. “Not full-on sex” I paused, turning around, wet dripping out of me. I looked at him in the eyes. “Please”. He paused, hand on his dick and nodded. Then attacked and tickled me down, back on the bed. I felt myself stretch out, him raising up my arms while poking my abs, his dick hitting my thigh.
I had an urge to grab it, to feel it in my hands but I couldn’t stop laughing and I felt paralyzed as he put his weight on my hands. He grabbed my breasts and rubbed them. Landing on top of me, he put his dick on my abs and looked at it.
It was actually quite large. I was surprised. I grabbed it. I wanted to guide it inside of me but a voice inside me shouted not to. I rubbed him up and down and he groaned leaning forward kissing my forehead. As I stroked him, he reached around and slid his fingers inside me, making an up down motion. I groaned, uncontrollably thrashing. He groaned as I rubbed harder and harder.
I felt him pulsate as I screamed from the pleasant torture of his fingers. I opened my eyes wide and looked into his eyes. Brown. My mouth gaped without breath as my back arched forward and back. I was in heaven. I couldn’t breathe. A warm goo shot out of his pink head and landed on my belly. Again another shot and again. I couldn’t contain it, screamed, as my pink squeezed around his fingers in a similar repeating throbbing way. I came for what seemed like eternity.
My eyes were closed. I could feel my own hot wet inside me. My nipples were hard. Cool air brushed up against my chest. His chest hair ticking my chest as he heaved in breath. Wet oozed out of me. My thigh periodically spasmed. I felt his dick on my thigh, then warm liquid on my stomach. I opened my eyes. His arm was around me. I looked down and saw his pink head wet, white, thick goo on my stomach.
He arose and looked at me.
“Again”, I said.

Boss [F] – Part 1

Disembarking from the plane, I was glad I wore my thick leggings and heavy jacket. I could hear the pounding of the rain on the skybridge even with the noise from the engines. I followed my team; another analyst – a nerd, the CTO – old and fat, a couple of sales people – older women, the Product Manager – a married good-looking guy, and my boss.
I took up what I called “rear guard”, following them through the smelly and damp airport terminal. We quickly emerged through a series of double doors to a huge hallway-like opening. Large signs pointed to the directions of the taxis. My teammates started casually talking amongst themselves. I just followed.
Emerging, I was hit by a gust of spring-like wet air, throwing my dirty blonde hair into my eyes and whipping behind me. Huge droplets hit my face and forced me to squint. We ran towards the taxis and flagged two down. Another passing car came close to the curb and splashed several of us. Complaining erupted but I ignored the cold hand of rainwater on my thigh.
We split and I was seated in the back of a large black SUV with my boss and the Product Manager seated in front of me. I kept quiet and tied up my hair in a pony tail. Inspecting my thigh, a large black stain barely visible against the black of the fabric. I dabbed at it with the inside of my jacket.

We arrived at the hotel some half an hour later. I pulled out my passport.
The Product Manager went up to the desk to get us sorted. I heard him explain we each had a room booked. One by one, the team got checked in. I allowed to my boss to go ahead of me, then I went.
“Ah, I’m sorry love, we had to give up your room for a special guest. And, let me see… ah, we don’t have any other rooms available tonight. I can see if any of the other hotels has a room available”, the desk agent said.
I shot a desperate look to the Product Manager and my boss. Both heard and came closer. So did the sales people.
“The other option would be if you share a room with one of your colleagues”.
We all looked at each other.
“Well, I have two beds in my room for no reason”, my boss said. I felt my eyebrows go up. I knew I was safe. He was married and very mature, but I still had a feeling. My morning and evening routines flashed in my head and I felt my cheeks flush.
“Careful Dennis, she’s too pretty for you”, said the older woman from sales with a sheepish grin. There were giggles behind me and a smirk from Dennis.
“Are you okay with this” Dennis asked.
I nodded. Dennis handed me his second keycard.

Once we all agreed on a time to meet before our meetings the next day, we said our goodnights and went to our rooms. I stayed by Dennis’ side. Several teenage girls crowded our elevator as we rode the stories up.
One was really pretty with a round face and dirty blonde hair, both features similar to mine. I looked at her strong back, like mine, with angel wings an obvious result of pullups. She had nice arms that I wanted to squeeze, come up behind her and feel her breasts. Her waist was tight and small, the way it should be. Her bikini was an orange Triangl elegant thing. I wanted to squeeze her ass cheek.
I just wanted someone to touch me the same way I imagined.
By our floor, there were only two other people besides us in the elevator. We got off and silently walked along the numbered rooms. Finding ours, I opened the door and held it open for Dennis.
The room was smaller than I expected. A long wooden desk lined a wall, a TV on a stand in the corner, a small bathroom with closet opposite, and two beds with barely two feet between them. A ceiling to floor window gave a nice view of the concrete jungle New York is. I didn’t ask for permission. I quickly found the thermostat and set it to 22. The air conditioner turned off. Dennis laughed and smiled at me. He knew I hated the cold and often complained about how my desk was below a vent. I smiled back and quickly looked away.
I glanced at the time. 7:30. There was a hotel pamphlet on the desk. Putting down my luggage, I skimmed through it looking for the pool hours. It was a ritual thing in my family. The first thing we always did at a hotel was swim. Closed at 9:00. Perfect.
I took off my jacket revealing a slim tight turtleneck sweater. It was almost a crop top with the way some skin showed when I moved.
“I’d like to go to the pool for a bit” I said in my quiet but singsong strong voice.
Dennis nodded and said, “ok, I’ll stay here. I didn’t rest easy on the plane.”. I nodded and then waved towards the beds.
“Which one would you like?” I asked.
“Doesn’t matter to me, you pick”.
I was closer to the bed with the window, so I lifted my luggage onto it. Dennis nodded and put his luggage on the other bed. He went to the washroom and closed the door. I heard the lock tick. I frowned for a moment.
Quickly unzipping my luggage, I shuffled through my clothes to find my bathing suit. Dresses, shoes, shirts, underwear, and sweaters all got in the way. Finally, I yanked out my bottom and struggled to pull out my top without ripping it.
I could hear Dennis shuffling around in the bathroom. Quickly! I shouted to myself. I stripped off my leggings, falling on my ass between the bed and the window so that I would at least have some privacy if he came out. The water ran in the bathroom. Sink not bathtub. My bare ass cheeks complained against the rough carpet. I almost never wore underwear with leggings.
Throwing the leggings on the bed, I struggled to get my swim shorts on. Bright blue, they were short and tight, more like workout shorts than a swimsuit. I despised the triangular swimsuit bottoms even though they looked so pretty on others. I remembered the girl in the elevator. I pulled them up tight and then lowered them down to comfort. I folded the top most over itself so that my hip bones showed. I hate high-rise pants or shorts. The threads on the underside were splitting me apart, clearly showing a camel toe, so I quickly picked at it until it was comfortable. The threads ran right up my ass though. I liked it.
I jumped up and grabbed my tube top. It was more like a strapless bra but thicker. It was my favorite swim top. All white, it actually looked good with the blue of the shorts. Falling to my knees, my breasts hidden behind the luggage on the bed. I was safe. I heard brushing of teeth in the washroom. Letting my hair loose, I let out a little eek when I pulled at my roots as I yanked my shirt off. My breasts danced a little as my arms came down. I undid my bra from the back buckle and let them drop. I wanted to caress my C-cup breasts like I usually did but resisted the urge. I struggled to slip on the tube top, yanking them over my breasts, over my tits. I smacked them into place and caressed my breasts to make sure all was in place.
I stood and relaxed. My knees complained and I rubbed the dirt from the carpet off. I stretched and a wave of sleepiness came over me. I ran a hand over my midriff, while I stretched out my 5-foot 10 body. I was running my hand through my hair when the bathroom door opened.
I froze, hand in hair as we met eyes. I saw his jaw loosen.
I didn’t skip a beat. Bounding past him, I said, “see you soon”, grabbed the keycard and opened the door to the cold hallway. I could feel his eyes on me, on my ass, on the small of my back, on my hips, and I became really self-aware of my shorts running up my ass.
The door slammed behind me.

I was still self-conscious of my ass. As I walked, I wondered if it gave a little too much of a jiggle. I liked to think that I had a slim ass, I didn’t like bouncy ass cheeks. But I knew I had some meat there, given just by the very fact that I had a quarter Greek blood guaranteed it.
I calmed down as I walked to the elevator. I remembered the last time I was in a hotel so exposed. People looked at me left and right. I kind of got used to it. I frequently get looks as I walk streets, sit at restaurants, at client meetings, from coworkers. I’m used to it.

The elevator was slow, people getting in and out. I tried to stay as close to the front corner to avoid being seen. It was tough. Women smiled at me. Men looked me up and down. I felt a little gangly and yet I stood straight, my Russian genes dominating my outward appearance.
I exited the elevator with one other person whom I later realized worked at the pool. The pool was empty other than a big black man with I presume his two daughters. They played cheerfully with a ball in the shallow end.
I opened the door and he gave me a once over with his eyebrows raised. When he met my eyes, he looked away. I pretended like I didn’t notice. I went to the deep end, placed a few of those complimentary towels on a chair, and slowly approached the water.
I put a toe in. It was cold, but not as cold as the ocean. I loved the big waves of the ocean, but hated the cold. Taking several deep breaths, I crossed my arms over my breasts and jumped in.
Ice. My feet hit the bottom sooner than I expected and I bent my knees to compensate. I felt bubbles all around and me and my hair trying to drag me back up to the surface, trying desperately to save me from the depths. On my toes, I squatted until the downward moment stopped.
Slowly, I opened my eyes. It was a murky blue. Not clean at all. Oh well. I looked down at myself, making sure I was still covered. I was. I let myself relax and concentrate on the air inside my lungs. I let go a few bubbles.
I was 26 years old. To be 26 in a couple of months actually. Virgin. Never dated anyone, never had sex. Confident and yet self-conscious all the time. Green-blue eyes that turned brown in some types of light. It was not that the irises themselves turned brown, just that they appeared brown in darker light, and green in brighter light. It was cool.
A walking beautiful contradiction. I knew I was beautiful, I can say it with ease, only because of how many people have told me so. But I didn’t believe it at all. I just think everyone else is crazy.
My toes lifted from the pool bottom as I regained buoyancy. I shifted, horizontal to the floor. My abs flexed and I saw an outline of my six-pack. I worked out at home on occasion but never at a gym. I had a morning and evening workout routine that I thanked for keeping my weight and body in check. I’m sure if I didn’t spend those twenty minutes every morning and evening, I would have been a fatter tall girl. If it wasn’t for this pool, I would have tried to do stretches and pullups in the hotel room… but Dennis was there.
My calves were the best though. Planting my feet against the wall, I wound up and pushed off, sending me like a torpedo across the depths of the pool. I could feel my top barely hanging onto to my breasts. I loved my body. I didn’t want anything to happen to it. I have fair tanned skin, curves in good places, a natural slim and elegant look, and a round face with delicate eyes.
My hands reached the opposite wall. I needed air. Following the wall vertical, my nipples brushed against it before I broke the water’s surface. Following through, I landed on my back and took a breath as I lay facing the ceiling. The cold air caressed my stomach and breasts. I hated that about my boobs. They were just the right size in my opinion, but I could never keep them the same temperature as the rest of my body; in the shower, in the pool, in the ocean.
I flipped over backwards doing a quick back roll against the forces of the water. Then front crawled back to the wall.

After doing several laps, I decided it was time for a shower and sleep. I was a good deal tired. Swimming to the edge, I lifted myself up over the ledge. To my surprise no one was in the pool. I walked over to the showers. I noticed a plastic box with drawers and curiously opened them to find soap, shampoo, and gloves for exfoliation. That’s a first. Welcoming a good rub, I soaped up and used a glove to scrape. I scraped my arms, legs, stomach until my skin was red and felt baby-smooth and clean.
Carefully, in case someone walked in, I faced the wall and took off my top. I soaped up again and rinsed off. Putting my top back on, I caught myself feeling hot, and teased myself rubbing my clit a couple of times.
I couldn’t resist and slipped my index finger into my shorts, down my front end, and rubbed my clit. I let out an ahh and caught myself. Hand against the cold wall of the shower, I heard my heart in my ears I felt myself become wet. I loved that wet so much. So thick, clear, and amazing. I quivered as I touched myself again.
I have a thing where after I’ve pleasured myself, I would stand up and a small puddle of wet would splash down or run down my thigh. Other times, it would just be a strand hanging loose. So disgusting and yet so very, very sexy. I loved the feeling of being wet.
I closed my eyes imaging it while the hot water from the shower caressed my face. I was wet and needed to do something! But I knew I needed to behave. But I couldn’t!
Ears and cheeks hell hot, I made sure no one was around, peeking around the wall of the shower. I slipped my shorts to my thighs. I sat down on the cold tiles and let the shower water hit my stomach. Shifting, I rinsed off all the glistening wet and ran two fingers upwards along my pussy. Wet glistened and pooled between my index and middle fingers. I gave out an oooh as my abs quickly contracted, the v-shape of my lower abdomen becoming well formed. I slid my fingers up over my mound, my eyes rolled and my jaw slackened. I continued running my wet fingers up my stomach until they were wet from wet no more. I need a fuck. I should have fucked that cute guy trying to hook up with me in the last few months before prom… Calming down, I let the cold tiles bring my temperature down as the warm water rinsed me off.
Sliding my fingers back down, I was grateful for my skin. Fun fact: I am naturally hairless. I don’t have any hair other than what’s on my head. Seriously. I told a few close friends in high school before and they didn’t believe me, but its true. I have no pubes. And I LOVE it.
I raised up my shorts letting them settle the way they wanted to; the middle threads riding up my ass and pussy, and went to the chair and lay down, my nipples poking through my top, and my camel toe clearly visible. I grabbed a towel and had it ready beside me in case anyone came in. I lay there and closed my eyes.

My skin quickly air dried. Leaning over the side of the chair, I strained my hair. Still somewhat wet, I let it all hang over my shoulder some drops of water rolling over my chest. I got up and put the large towel around me, the occasional drop of water falling from the wet of my bathing suit.
Back upstairs, I knocked on the hotel room door before entering. Dennis was at the desk in front of his laptop. I felt a little bad thinking that I should have spent the time preparing for tomorrow’s meeting instead of swimming.
Dennis greeted me with a smile, “How was it?”
“Oh, it was great thanks. Is there anything I can help you with?”
He glanced at his screen and then smiled back at me, “nah, I will be okay, thanks”.
“Okay, I’m gonna head for bed”.
He nodded.
Going to my luggage, I rummaged through until I found my panties and favorite grey undershirt. That’s how I usually slipped… well unless it was an extremely hot day, then I just went naked and hid between the sheets. But I definitely can’t do that now! That’s when I realized that I couldn’t just come out of the bathroom with only panties and a shirt on; nipples poking through the shirt, ass half exposed by these treacherous yet soft black panties. I needed something more… but I didn’t pack anything!
I froze. Well, I can put a towel around me, walk over to the bed, and then take it off. Duh I decided that was the best thing to do. I grabbed my toothbrush and paste as well.
I walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stripped and used a clean towel to better dry my hair for fear of catching a cold and fully dried myself off. Naked, I brushed my teeth.
I slipped on the panties and shirt. Knowing Dennis was in the room, I was more self-conscious of how my breasts looked in the shirt. They were definitely visible and clearly outlined. Small pokies betrayed them. I ran my hands over each round molded mountain of a boob and they gave a little drop. They were perfectly not too big that they hung low, but also not so small that they don’t move at all. I gave a little jump, watched, and smiled.
Biking had given me considerably large thighs, but I actually liked their shape. Putting my knees together, I still had a nice gap under my pussy and the black of my panties seamlessly curved to my underside. I resisted the urge to touch.
Wrapping myself with a new towel, I could barely keep my eyes open. I opened the door. Dennis was staring at his screen. He was too good of an actor; I wasn’t sure if he was intentionally looking away, or actually neck-deep in something.
My brave and dangerous side took over. Rather than covering myself with the bed blankets and then taking off the towel like I planned, I decided to test Dennis. I walked over and closed the curtains. Then, still facing the curtains, I let the towel drop and stood for a second. Then quickly looked over.
Ah huh! I caught his head moving back. We didn’t meet eyes, but he definitely looked. I left the towel on the floor and jumped into bed feeling slightly embarrassed.
The pillows and blankets were so soft. I fell asleep to the light clacking of Dennis’ keyboard.