My Roommate constantly fucks the hottest girls and it’s the hottest thing listening to them

The story is I’m a 24 year old guy, my roommate is 25. We went to college together and now we room with each other. He’s always been the show off type of guy. Very fit, tall, outgoing, etc… he’s like a Greek god. I do well with women as I have my own very attractive girlfriend now but this man pulls women on another level, instagram models practically.

Recently he’s been on a hot streak and has a girl in particular he’s been hooking up with. And I get to somewhat enjoy this. She’s incredibly hot, and it’s fun to see her drool all over him. One night I cooked us dinner when she was over and we had some fun and drank some wine and eventually they went into his room.

I went into mine since it’s right next door, and this night was fun in particular. Hearing them start to passionately kiss, clothes being stripped off, her commenting on his “hot body” and such, then hearing her talk about getting on her knees and him giving her commands, I’m just listening with my hands on my dick at this point.