Excerpt from Double Date: Going Gay for His Straight Crush [MMFM] [Straight to Gay] [BDSM]


Apologies for the long hiatus. Besides the holidays and work, I was also working on a 12,000 word story that’s now released online. I want to make sure the fine folks at /r/Erotica are some of the first to read it if they so wish. As such, I’m going to include as much as I can, 10%, of the story below.

This is only the beginning of the story, and doesn’t yet include the erotic elements that come in full force later. I was hoping I’d be able to include more of the smut, but sadly I’ve confirmed that this is all I can put out.


Now that I’ve completed this story, and it’s out, I’ll be returning to work on A Bully Caged.

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!



Matthew never was one for making decisions, choosing to go with the flow instead of making waves. He’s single, lonely, and less than imposing. Only when he gathered enough courage to ask out his crush did his life change. The only problem? She wants it to be a double date… and she has a boyfriend… and she thinks Matthew is gay.

The Device [M25] [Solo] [Hooked Up] [Straight to Gay] [Mind Control]

This is my first one-off story during the time between chapters for my story, “A Bully Caged.” Hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think! This story is inspired by subreddits like /r/HookedUpHentai

TW: dubcon


A white light burns my eyes. Am I dead? I don’t have any memories of how I got here, and bright white lights, I’ve been told, are sure signs of being dead. My head throbs. Nope. Not dead. Being dead wouldn’t come with a pounding migraine.

If I haven’t died, where am I?

I try to turn my head but find that it’s impossible. Something is restraining my neck and holding me in place. It feels soft, but firm, like plastic covered by some warm, spongy material. I adjust, and I become acutely aware of just how much mass is on me and exactly how little I can move. Running from both the front and back of my neck all the way to my hips, volumes of the same firm material are molded to force my back into a dramatic arch, and I’m positioned on all fours. I can feel a warm breeze on my asshole and cock. Only they are exposed. I start to panic. My hand moves for only a few inches to grasp for freedom before they’re stopped by cuffs. I don’t hear the signature clinking of chains. Are there cables keeping me in place? I can feel sleeves running up and down my arms and legs, with more cuffs at my elbows, biceps, and shoulders, but I can see nothing. I have no idea where I am.

A Bully Caged, Pt. 3 [M/M] [Bi] [Chastity] [Public]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zce8mk/a_bully_caged_part_1_mm_bi_chastity_implied)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zh3k7t/a_bully_caged_part_2_mm_bi_femdom_chastity_bdsm)

Thanks for the great feedback and reception so far! This installment is longer, but I wanted to get to the payoff at the end. Hope you enjoy.


Wes stayed in our guest bedroom last night, freshly showered. He thanked Ms. Simmons for dinner, he thanked me for my cum, and he went to bed almost immediately without another word. I was confused, and it was another hard night of sleep. My mind moved in waves, and every time one would subside, another would rise, bringing new anxieties, frustrations, and questions with it. What was going through Wes’ mind? Did I go too far? Would this last? Was it already over? I have no clue when exhaustion won, but I’m thankful it did.

When I wake up, I’m tired. I reach over to my nightstand to turn off my phone’s alarm, and my hand finds an unfamiliar chain. It rattles when I pick it up. I turn off the alarm and turn on my flashlight, casting a big, fat shadow of a chain against my bedroom door. My eyes adjust, and I see it’s a black metal. On one end, there’s a small open padlock with a simple “D” engraved on it, and the other end hangs loose from my hand. It’s not a long piece, and suddenly, I realize that it’s the collar Ms. Simmons had mentioned last night for Wes. This is supposed to be around his neck, and I am supposed to put it there. 

A Bully Caged, Part 2 [MM] [Bi] [Femdom] [Chastity] [BDSM]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zce8mk/a_bully_caged_part_1_mm_bi_chastity_implied)


Wes sits across from me, wearing a thick gray t-shirt. His sultry, serious expression is a far cry from what it had been only eight hours ago: a silent moan. I still can’t believe it. Wes, the worst person I know, is pierced, shaved, and *caged*. And, somehow even weirder, he’s sitting with me at the dinner table eating Ms. Simmons’ sesame tofu. He wouldn’t have been caught dead here only a month ago.

“Nice dinner,” he says. His eyes glaze over me and land on some corner of the room. I held his cock in my hand, and the motherfucker can’t even make eye contact with me. Not that I’m helping. We’ve been sitting for twenty minutes without a string of words longer than “do you need the salt?”

“Thank Ms. Simmons,” I say, “not me ”

I saw his shoulders tense up at the mention of her name.

“Wes,” I say, leaning forward, “where were you the past ten days?”

He puts his fork down and taps his foot a few times. “It’s a long story,” he says.

“Long stories have beginnings too.”

A Bully Caged, Part 1 [MM] [Bi] [Chastity] [Implied Femdom] [BDSM]

I sigh as I turn off my computer for the night. It’s Sunday, and I’ll have to be at school in less than 9 hours. Fuck. 

Yes, I enjoy my classes immensely, and it is the final two weeks of my senior year of high school, but Mondays are still far and away the absolute worst every time they roll around. I dread seeing… him. Wes. He’s the ace of the soccer team, the most popular guy in school, and, most importantly, the bane of my existence. Every week, he finds a new way to torment me. At the beginning of the year, he was pouring coffee into my backpack every day, and right before winter break, he found a way to have them congratulate me during the announcements for being accepted to “Phaggett University.” And he’s never been expelled—not even once. He’s got this charm, where he starts to smile and joke with the teacher talking to him, convincing them that, whatever consequences they’re thinking of, they’re too harsh. It’s like he’s untouchable. His silver tongue and handsome features don’t hurt his cause, either. He’s not tall, but he’s striking, with sharp cheekbones and these big blue eyes. And he always keeps his grades up for some sports scholarship.