Looking for someone to write erotica that stars my wife

Me and my wife both love reading erotica and i thought it’d be fun to surprise her with some erotica that has her as the star of it.

The hope would be i provide you with some baseline information to help make it realistic and answer questions you’d like for flavor.

And than help as much as i can.

Im not a great writer otherwise id do it myself!

Again sorry if this is the wrong place for this message.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Looking for someone to write erotica starring my wife (as a surprise!)

Hey! So sorry mods if this is the wrong place to post this, obviously remote and no hard feelings if it is.

Me and my wife both love reading erotica and i thought it’d be fun to surprise her with some erotica that has her as the star of it.

The hope would be i provide you with some baseline information to help make it realistic and answer questions you’d like for flavor.

And than help as much as i can.

Im not a great writer otherwise id do it myself!

Again sorry if this is the wrong place for this message.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged