Reign (Part 4) [OC] [MF] [D/s]

I stood next to the bed watching her gather herself. Her chest and neck a bright red from the choking and the grabbing my hands had done to her. Her hair in her face with saliva and pre-cum dripping from the ends onto the bedsheets. Her eyes bloodshot but still a gorgeous blue and green center. She was perfect, in her near broken state of ecstasy and approval.

“Get on your knees and face the headboard.” I say firmly. My cock swollen and pulsing with anticipation. With her arms still tied behind her back, she moves to the center of the bed and faces the head board. Her hands trembling but her eyes are filled with eagerness.

“Do not take your eyes off that fucking headboard. Do you understand? I command as I slowly make my way onto the bed.

“Yes Sir.” She whimpers. Slowly, I kiss her body; neck, shoulders, breasts, waist, ass and back. Getting more and more excited as I take her in. Like a wild animal sniffing out it’s prey. On my knees I move to her back and take her by the throat with one hand and using the other to gently rub her clit.

Categorized as Erotica

Reign (Part 3) [OC] [MF] [D/s]

Her neck seems to fit so perfectly in my hand as my fingers wrap around it. I push her against the wall and growl at the pure intensity of the situation. I have her right where I want her and she’s not budging an inch to back out. I put my nose right against hers and stare directly into her eyes. The feeling of her beating heart travels through my fingers and into my arm; she’s scared but willing.

“I want your ass on that bed right fucking now!” I yell out as I let go of her neck. With her arms still bound behind her she makes her way to the bed and climbs on top.

“On your back dear.” I say with a smile. She turns hesitantly and lays on her back. As I walk to the edge of the bed her eyes never leave me; her head facing me and the edge of the bed. The moon washes over her body through the window and I feel the heat of my blood once again rush through my veins. I stood staring at her perfect form for what seemed like forever; Just admiring the artwork of nature. I sense her becoming relaxed. I lean forward and push the hair out of her face. Her eyes, a frozen blue and they pierce my very soul. I can’t help but think how lucky I am to have her attention. Even more so to be in the position that I am in.

Categorized as Erotica

Reign (part 2) [OC] [MF] [D/s]

I stand over her with the blade still in my hand. Her hands tied behind her back and her back to the wall. All that remains on her now is a laced black thong. Her breasts covered in goose bumps and her nipples hard from the coldness of the stainless steel blade that had teased them so much.

She looked helpless but eager. She was driving me insane without even knowing what she was doing. She stood open and willing, aching for my touch. Needing it and craving it and I was drawing it out of her. With my eyes still locked on hers, I grab her neck with my free hand and press her against the wall. I feel her pulse in the palm of my hands and I instantly feel the pre-cum from my rock hard cock, drip on my leg.

“Spread your legs.” I say sternly into her ear. I feel her gulp through my fingers and her legs begin to part. I turn the knife around in my hand, holding the blade by the edge. I slowly rub the handle over her soaked thong, teasing her now swollen clit. She begins to moan and tense up as I press the handle against her with every pass.

Categorized as Erotica

Reign (Part 1) [OC] [MF] [D/s]

My hand ran the length of her neck into her strawberry blonde hair. Her soft blue eyes reflecting the moon coming in through the bedroom window of our remote cabin. Rain pounds the cabins tin roof, almost in unison with her beating heart. She has never experienced someone like me before; Someone that craves her and wants to consume her whole, and it shows.

My left hand tightens its grip in her curls and I jerk her head to the side exposing the bare skin of her neck and shoulder. She winces in pain and clinches her teeth. I start to wonder if this is more than she’s bargained for. She snaps her gaze to me. Our eyes meeting and I stare into her with my intentions.

“You know what I want….” I say gripping harder and growling at her, showing my teeth.

“Yes. Yes. I do” she says closing her eyes.

“Look at me.” I say sternly while bringing her face close to mine. She opens her eyes with tears starting to form from my grip on her hair. I run my right hand under her blouse, grabbing her ribs and digging my thumb between two of them. She starts to buckle under the pressure and I push harder.

Categorized as Erotica

Brave (MFF)

The keys to our house fumble in my hand. It was such a long day at work. I’m exhausted and stressed. I can’t wait for a hot shower and dinner. I turn my head slightly to look through the window to the garage and notice you are home, early. Though odd, I don’t have the energy to think much of it. Finally the right key enters the dead bolt and I turn it to unlock the door. The door swings open. Slowly and I can smell your perfume in the air. Not heavy, but just enough to stir me on the inside. You know I love that and it relaxes me. I smile slightly as my work bag gets hung on the hook next to the door. My boots are heavy from a long day. I walk over to the dinning room table and pull out a chair to sit down before I collapse. My body limps into the chair and buckles under exhaustion. My eyes close and I hear your voice very faint from inside your office. I’m not sure if you know that I am home or not but I can’t find the strength to tell you right now either way. My arms drape over the arms of the dinning room chair like broken branches of an oak tree. My eyes still closed and my head back, I can sense you behind me. I smile as your hands find there way around the chair and onto the buttons of my work uniform shirt. I must have dozed for a second, or you’re up to something sneaky because I never heard you walk up behind me. Either way, I enjoy it thoroughly. Your hands begin surgically un-buttoning my shirt. You get to the 3rd button and stop. Your hands so warm as they rub my chest. You must have already taken a shower. I can smell your lotions under your natural essence. It’s sweet but sophisticated, my favorite. I hear you try to hide your moan as your hands grab at my chest. Your nails digging into my flesh.
“How was your day baby?” I ask with intention.
“Fucking awful.” You say with a slight laugh.
“Oh yeah?” I say smiling knowing what was coming next.
“Yeah it was but it just got so much better now that you are home.” Your nails seem to dig straight through my skin but I don’t move. I just smile and take it all in knowing how much you love showing me your desire. Suddenly though, exhaustion hits me again and I grab your wrists firmly. I turn your hands over to your palms and bring them both to my lips. I kiss them so softly to show you I see your need but Daddy is fucking exhausted.
“Baby. I had such a long day. I really need a shower.” I say nervously.
You close your hands and walk around the back of the chair to stand next to me. You’re gorgeous red hair and beautiful skin glowing in the dinning rooms recessed lighting. I see your lips painted in fire and those beautiful blue pools of blueish green you use to drown me in.
“Yes. You do need a shower. You smell like ass.” You say with a grin.
I laugh as I grab your arm and bring you in slowly for a kiss.
“But first you need to take this! I picked up your medicine today after work and the pharmacist told me it’s best to take it 30 minutes before you eat. Take a shower and I will have dinner ready for you when you get out.”
I find it a little strange at your insistence but I’ve learned to not question you, too much. You open the medicine bottle and pour out two pills into your hand. You grip them tightly in your hand, smiling. You open your mouth to gesture me to open mine. I slowly open my mouth and you cup it with your palm. I feel the pills hit my tongue and I swallow, staring at you with such interest it throws you off whatever game you’re playing. Quickly you shake it off and pull your hand away.
“Okay! Get going! Take your shower babe.” You say smiling as you seemingly shake your perfect ass at me and turn around. I watch you as you walk away. Your grey shorts hugging your ass like I would if I wasn’t beat up by a work day. My dark blue t-shirt that you are wearing disappears into the kitchen.
I get to the bathroom and reach into the shower to start the water. I finish un-buttoning my shirt that you had so graciously started for me. I pull the shirt from my back and catch a glimpse of the claw marks on my chest, in the mirror. I smile as I pull the belt from my waist and unbutton my pants. They hit the floor heavy from a long day. I pull the boxer briefs down to the floor and immediately notice I was still slightly erect from our encounter. The tip of my cock is wet and the light from the ceiling bounces from it. Fuck if I wasn’t so exhausted I would have taken you on that dinning room table right then and there. As we have many times before.
I step into the shower. The hot water hits my back and runs down to my ass, legs and then to the drain. My hands against the wall as I try to hold the weight of the day on my shoulders. After what seemed like eternity I turn to let the water hit my chest. A cascading water fall pours over my chest and cock. It clings to my balls before falling to the floor. My eyes shut to close myself off from the world. I point my head to the ceiling and open them again. A sudden rush of heat fills my lungs. My back relaxes and my chest rises to the water. I feel suddenly energized and aroused from the water hitting my body. I look down to see the veins of my cock pulsing from the blood rushing to it. I get rock hard and I can feel my balls tighten to me. The thought of you in those shorts and my shirt pulverize my mind. God I should have sprinted after you when you walked away. I should have ripped those shorts from your body when I had the chance. I wash up and turn the water off. I step out of the shower to grab my towel folded on the shelf. I wipe the steam away from the mirror to see my reflection. I feel amazing. “Where in the hell did this come from?” I thought. It hits me with such a force that my jaw drops. The pills.
I dry myself off in amazement at what you had done. The fact that you need me so much that you dosed me, arouses me in such a way that I can feel the aggression for your body fill my mind with imagination. I smile and dry off faster. I go to our room and pull a pair of boxer briefs from the drawer. The dark green ones you like so much. I don’t even bother with a shirt. I dart out of the room and head straight for the kitchen. I turn the corner to the dinning room and stop in a panic at the sight of you.
I now stand before you. My body still half wet from my half assed attempt at drying off. My boxer briefs cling to my shaft. You sit motionless at the table with your hands quietly resting on the place mat. “No food.” I thought, puzzled. I try to gather myself and remember my intention of why I was running through our house in my boxers. You speak up before I have the chance.
“Hey honey. How was your shower?” you say plainly but with a half smile
“It was… fine. Why are you….. why are you just sitting there?” I ask. Still dumb founded.
“Come have a seat at the table, babe. Right there at the front.” You say pointing to the head of the table. My cock rock hard but there is no fucking way I can hide it. The elephant, or at least the elephants trunk in the room, so to speak.
“Okay….” I say puzzled but eager to find out what this is about. My body slowly descends into the chair. I can feel my cock pulsing with every heart beat.
“If you don’t act fast things will get… forceful.” I thought.
My arms sit at attention on the arms of the chair. My back straight from my attempt to throw my chest out at you. My breathing getting heavy. You’re smiling from my excitement. You stand up and walk along the table to me. Your fingers sliding effortlessly across the table as you move. You wear that smile so perfectly. You reach me and turn slightly to sit on my lap. My cock doesn’t give at all. I can feel it dig at the body suit you’re wearing. You put an arm around my neck and put two fingers under my chin. I can smell your sweet pussy on them and I nearly cum from the thought of you starting without me.
“Babe. You know what would really make me happy right now?” you say pulling my gaze up at you. I stare directly into your eyes. Taking every glare that I can in. My face, straight and at attention. I’m crumbling inside but I won’t show you that.
“I have an idea, dear. But to save time, why don’t you just tell me what it is that you want.” You throw your head back and laugh.
“ Don’t be in such a rush! What has gotten into you?!”
“ohh nothing! Just a couple of pills is all.” I say with a grin.
“ Ohhh. Fuck. That’s right. The pills. You mean your “medication”.”
“ Yeah my medication.” I laugh.
“Well. Baby. I know you’ll forgive me. You know how much I need you. Besides, I need you at your fullest potential tonight. I can’t have you half assing this like you did with drying off!” We both laugh at how intense the moment is. You bring your fire covered lips to my ear and bite down on my earlobe. I jerk but the pain stops me from pulling away. Then you whisper in my ear.
“ Daddy. I need to know if you can handle me tonight….” My cock aching now from how hard it is.
“Of course, baby girl. Daddy can handle you.” I say with a smile as I cut you off. You lean back to meet my eyes. I lose myself in them instantly. You smile so big at me. Something I have never seen before in this way. It was beyond eagerness. It was with pure bravery and lust. It jars me and nearly submits me entirely. I’ll be fucking damned if I let that happen though. You begin again but this time much louder.
“Daddy, I need to know if you can handle me tonight, and our visitor.” You say devilishly. My mind instantly goes dark.
“What in the fuck did she just say?” I thought to myself in a panic. Before I knew what was happening, a blonde hair and blue eyed woman walks into the dinning room. She is wearing the same body suit as yourself and seems to be around your age. She’s intense, just as you are. She stares me down and never takes her eyes off of me. She looks a lot like someone you’ve pointed out to me before but I cant place the face. Maybe a TV show??
Before I can make sense of it all, you pull my gaze back on you.
“Daddy. You know I have been such a good girl for you. I hope you don’t mind but… I got a little treat for myself. You can enjoy her too but only if you know she is mine and only if you know I get her first.”
Your face tells me how fucking serious you are. I want to assert my dominance towards you and towards her but I cave in at realizing that you truly have been such a good little girl for me.
“Okay. I can agree to that.” I say, hiding my excitement behind reluctance.
“ Oh Daddy, I am so happy to hear you say that.” Without blinking an eye you grab her arm and pull her to you. Your lips engulf hers with such a force it sends a shock down my own spine and my cock hurts intensely from the jolt of excitement. You had been waiting on this for a while. Like a caged animal wanting to be set free. I love this and want this for you. I want this for us.
I watch as you consume her desires with your own. The groping and pulling of one another. Your ass digging into my cock with every kiss. I can feel how wet you are through the suit and my boxer briefs. You grab her hair and force her to the table on her back. A sharp thud fills the room. I shake with excitement and fear. It’s incredible. You grab her ass and push her further up onto the table. You get up from me and tell me to stay here as you slowly climb on top of her. You kiss her neck and bite at her throat in agony of wanting more than she could ever possibly give. She lays in fear and in ecstasy. She obviously didn’t know what the hell she got into but is enjoying it none the less. Suddenly I hear your voice.
“Daddy, will you go get your knife for me. Please.” The woman and I both shutter at the request. I knew what you were up to. She however, did not.
“Which one baby girl?” I say with false ignorance.
“You know, Daddy. The sharpest one you have.” You say while never taking your eyes off her. She starts to panic and squirm but you lean down and whisper in her ear. I can’t hear what you say but whatever it was calmed her down immensely and instantly. Again, you start kissing her as I race back to our bedroom. I jerk my night stand open and pull out the knife you requested. The one we both know so well. I race back to the dining room to see you haven’t skipped a beat. Your are not leaving a crumb to spare. You must not have heard me enter the room, which I can understand from the trance you seem to be in. I bang the handle against the door frame of the dinning room. You jerk your head towards me and smile. You lean back and sit up right straddling her. She never takes her eyes off of you. You must have told her not to, or else. I grab the knife by the sheath and present it to you handle first with one hand. You shake your head at me.
“Daddy. Will you cut this little sluts suit off for me? Pleeeease.” You beg.
I look down at her and smile.
“Anything for my little girl.”
You swing your legs to the side and move towards her head while bringing her arms with you and pinning them down. Still, she doesn’t take her eyes off you and I am immediately more aroused and impressed at how much you’ve learned from me. I pull the knife from it’s carbon fiber sheath. The edge of the blade reflecting the recessed lighting of the dinning room. I slowly place the flat side of the knife on her cheek so she can feel the cold blades intentions.
“Do not move.” I tell her.
The flat side of the blade works it’s way down her face and across her neck. She shivers from fear and excitement. I turn the edge towards the suit and with the point of the blade I begin to separate it from her. I glance up at you to see your excitement. Your hands holding onto hers for dear life. Little by little her skin shows through. Her breasts. Her waist. Her legs. Her ass and then finally her pussy. I glance at you again to see your smile. You’re holding back everything in you right now and I couldn’t be happier. I pull the suit away from her and stand back. You climb from the table and start to circle her like prey. You walk to the edge of the table and grab her legs violently and pull her ass closer to the edge of the table. You spread her legs apart and softly run your hands down her thighs. She starts to ache. Her fear has faded into pleasure and she wants more from you. You turn to me and point with two fingers while motioning me over. I know what this means as we have done it several times before. I come to you with my now swollen sack and wrap my lips around your fingers. Your eyes close and you moan from it. You take your fingers and slowly you enter them into her. You begin drawing out the desire in her with every thrust of your fingers. You lean forward licking your lips and press your tongue against her clit. She begins to convulse and grab at whatever she can to keep herself locked to that table. You lick and moan and tell her to cum for you. She screams from pleasure with every demand. I can hear every pass of your tongue against her clit and it makes me question my own sanity. “Is this even fucking happening right now!?!” I thought in amazement.
Realizing I still had my boxers on, I immediately snatch the from my body. My cock flings pre-cum onto the floor like a drooling animal. I can feel my blood pump with every beat. The veins in my cock constrict and present from the pressure. You eat her intensely as she begs for more. I grab my cock and begin to jerk off at the sight of you finally getting your taste in. God you are incredible and fierce. Your dominance over this like minded and beautiful creature over powers me. Your submission to me will be my undoing. The both of you will see who Daddy truly is.
She begins to cum violently at your efforts. Her cum squirting your face and hair. Dripping down your chin onto your suit. She grabs at everything on the table and throws them off in a rage of ecstasy. You lean back in amusement and satisfaction. You lick your lips and moan from the taste. “She must be as sweet as you.” I say smiling with my rock hard cock in my hand.
“Ohh, Daddy she is! Come have a taste! Please!” I’m shocked at the request but oblige never the less. I walk over to the two of you and lean forward. You catch my face as I almost reach her.
“Hey! Me first! I did all the work!” you say as you grab my face and shove your tongue down my throat.
“You’re right, she is as sweet as you.” I agree as you pull your tongue away. My heart pounding at how intense and sexy you are. I love this side of you. I think you do also. You turn my head and push me towards her. I begin the same dance you performed on her but with more care and softness. She is yours and I respect the fuck out of that. You rub the back of my head as I consume her. The cum flowing around my mouth now. My cock aches from the shear pain of not cuming and no attention from you. You see that I can’t handle much more so you make an effort to show me attention. You stand behind me as I eat her away. Your hand travels up my thighs and around my swollen balls. You moan and shake from the feeling of them. Your hand grabs my cock with force and I nearly fall to the ground. I want to force you to the table also but fuck does this feel good, so I give in. You work me so well and my pre-cum drips from cock onto the floor. You catch some with your fingers and you immediately put them in your mouth as you switch hands. Still pleasuring my rock hard cock.
I start to edge towards cumming but you back off from the realization of this.
“Daddy! Don’t cum now! You know I need your cum in me.” You beg
Still eating her, I back away and lick my lips. Her cum has covered me entirely. I start to lose myself in the moment and the rage of desire in me burns out of control. I turn immediately to you and shove my fingers in your mouth as I grab the knife from the table. You moan as I put the knife to your shoulder, cutting through your body suit and nicking your flesh. I immediately wraps my lips around your wound with my fingers still in your mouth. You clamp down on them in pain but moan loudly from the pleasure. My cock throbbing as your blood hits my tongue. My eyes widen from ecstasy and while sucking I begin to cut the suit from your body. Moving swiftly but safely as I remove it piece by piece. I pull my fingers from your mouth and rip what’s left of the suit from your body. You stand staring me down in fear and intrigue. You must see the wildness in my eyes.
I stab the knife into the table next to the beautiful creature behind us that’s still laying spread out on the table. She stares at us in amazement. I reach forward and grab your neck a bring you to my lips. The taste of your blood and her cum now on both of our lips. The pure carnal desire in both of us showing through and it’s perfect in every way.
I grab your ass so deep I feel your wet pussy with the tips of my fingers and I begin rubbing your clit, with my hand still on your throat. I squeeze harder and harder until you reach up to grab the wrist of the hand tight around your neck. I back off just little to keep you conscious but I don’t let go. My fingers soaked from your sweet pussy and you begin to shake violently. My fingers move faster and faster against your clit. A sudden stream of cum rushes out of you and soaks the floor. You can no longer stand and you fall to your knees from weakness. I grab the back of your head with a fist full of hair and tell you to look up at me.
“You have been such a good girl for me! Let me reward you my love.” I say shoving my cock Into your throat.
Thrusting harder and harder, pushing you past any limits you may have had. You start to pull away from me from the lack of air. I put both of my hands on your head and shove my cock as deep as it will go. Your nails digging into my ass cheeks so hard they draw blood. Just as I feel you almost pass out I pull you away. You fall to the floor smiling and gasping for air.
“Daddy! Something has definitely gotten into you today.” you manage to say nearly out of breath.
“Oh baby, we aren’t finished yet.” I pick you up of the floor and kiss you deeply. I smack your ass and tell you to get on the table, pointing to the head of the woman still glaring at us. You climb onto the table and look at me.
“Well, what are you waiting for baby girl?” I ask with a smile.
You smile back at me and straddle the woman’s face, grinding your soaking wet pussy into her lips. You grab at your breasts and pull at your nipples in agony. She grabs your thighs and I can see by the cum dripping from her that she likes it just as much as you do. I step towards the end of the table in front of her, pull her ass closer to me with my cock in my hand and begin to rub the tip of it on her clit. She buckles from pleasure, sending shock waves into you. The both of you nearly screaming now. I rub her clit with my cock until she can’t take any more teasing. I pull back just enough to then ram my throbbing, rock hard cock into her tight pussy. I throw my head back with my eyes closed at how amazing this all is. I begin to groan and grit my teeth as I watch you grind your hips into her face. Not letting up at all. Not showing her any mercy. I lean forward and grab your neck to bring you in for a kiss. Your lips still covered in her cum. I thrust my cock hard and hard into the woman and she begins to cum, which cause you to cum also. You scream out in agony and pleasure as you squirt her face. The table is soaked from the two of you. You lay forward placing your tongue against her clit as I ram my cock, balls deep into her. You turn your head slightly towards me to look up and I see you smiling and licking.
“Fuck baby! You are such a Daddy’s girl!”
You moan from my words and begin sucking on her clit. I can hear her beg for more as you begin to cum again on her face. She wants it just as much as you do. You dig your nails into her ass as I continue to thrust my fat cock in and out of her. My hands holding her legs up by the knees. You suck and lick and bite and suck until she cums so hard it pushes my cock out of her. I pull out and you immediately open your mouth for me. I push your hair out of your face so I can see your beautiful eyes as you attempt to suck me dry.
“Fuck!” I scream out.
I pull you away from my cock as I get close to cumming. I grab your face with my hand and kiss you.
I reach forward slapping your ass as the woman continues to eat you raw. I stand back to watch the two of you consume one another. Orgasms flowing between the two of you over and over again.
Finally I’ve had enough. I grab your face and point it towards me.
“Get on your fucking knees in front of me , now.” I say sternly. You look at me in fear and excitement. You throw your leg over, dismounting the woman’s face. You bring your ass close to the edge of the table for me while on your knees. You lay your head against the table with your ass in the air.
“Go to my bathroom and get my belt.” I demand to the woman. She pushes herself off the table and disappears into the bedroom. You are moaning and aching for my fat cock. You reach up to rub your clit for relief but I smack your hand away.
“No way! You keep your hands off my pussy. I’m done with this fucking game. You get my cock or not at all.” You cringe from the pain and pleasure of denial.
The woman returns with my leather belt and I tell her to lay down on the table in front of you so that you can eat her while I have my way with you. She does so and immediately the two of you go at it again. I smack your ass with the belt 3 times, leaving welts. Each time, you arch your back from the pain. I can hear you grit your teeth with each crack of the belt. I loop the belt through the buckle, grab your hair and pull your head back, throwing the loop over your head. I let go of your hair I pull tight on the belt so it synchs your neck. I pull harder as you begin to eat the woman out again. With my free hand I take my cock and begin rubbing it against your clit. You shake from relief of finally getting the attention you wanted. I rub and rub until I feel that you are on edge and violently shove my fat cock into your tight pussy. It stretches as it always has when we fuck. I can feel your flesh is on the brink of tearing from the thickness of my swollen cock. You scream in pain but moan from pleasure, only to continue consuming your treat. My cock thrusts hard and hard into you. My balls slamming into your clit with every thrust. I grab and slap your ass as hard as I can. The welts, bright red from the belt and hand. I tighten the belt around your neck pulling you away from the woman and spit on your ass hole. My thumb rubbing around the rim of your sweet hole and pushing into it, every so often. I can’t help but think how incredible you are for doing this. How fucking amazing you are and how lucky I am.
I pull tighter and tighter on the belt. Your screams start to muffle the tighter I pull. I can see the woman’s face as she starts to panic. I imagine she’s never seen a love like this before. Trust like this ever in her life. I pull and pull as you start to grab at the woman’s legs. She panics and backs away in fear. I thrust my cock harder and harder. I want to let go. I want to give you a break but you know that I can’t. You know daddy needs to cum. Just as I feel like I am about to cum, you cum violently and it squirts out around my cock. I pull the belt as hard as I can and shove my cock in you as deep as it will go. My cum rushing from my body. So much races out of me into you. My balls tight from emptying my load into you. I make one final effort to empty what I have left and let go of the belt. You fall to the table in a thud, coughing. I groan and huff as the sweat from my brow drips onto your ass. What a perfect night we have made.
My cock still throbbing in you, I smack your ass one last time and pull myself out of you slowly. Once out I lean forward and kiss both of your ass cheeks and the small of your back. You look up at the woman half conscious but so very happy. She shakes off her worry and comes into kiss you. The three of us kissing and touching one another from a night we will never forget.
I leave the two of you in the dinning room and head to the bedroom to put on some comfortable clothes. I grab a pair of your shorts and a t-shirt of mine to bring back to you. I come back into the dinning room just as the woman is almost fully dressed. The two of you smile at me and I hand you your clothes. Slowly sliding them on and you never take your eyes off of me. Again, I leave the two of you to go into the kitchen for drinks. I come back to see that you were almost pushing her out of the door in a hurry. I smile and hand you your drink.
“What’s the rush babe?”
“Oh, no rush. I’m just done with sharing you for the night.” You say smiling.
We go to our room and climb into bed. Your head on my chest as I read you your favorite book. You drift off to sleep and I shut off our lamp. My eyes close to a night well spent.