Final part of That First Fall [FF][Foreplay][Oral]

Thank you all for the upvotes! After school settles down from my upcoming semester and rotations, hopefully I will have the time to share another story or two with you ;)


Nadia’s fingertips run through the roots of my hair as she pulls me closer to her lips. The sparkle in her eyes disappears as she closes her eyes and our lips touch. I slightly pull back so our lips barely touch and drag them over to the corner of her mouth, she tries to turn her head slightly to kiss me back and I once again tease her by brushing my lips over her own again to the other side. Against her subtle moans and writhing below me, I continue to tease her lips, jaw and neck.

While our lips dance over each other, she slides her right hand from the back of my head and places it over my cheek. Her left explores the sides of my toned body, moving from my shoulder to down my sides, before finally settling on my hip. My own right hand supports my weight while I rest on top of Nadia while and my left runs along her jawbone to her neck.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Continuation of That First Fall [FF][Massage][Intimacy]

Sorry for the delay… nice weather plus final exams had me tied up a bit!
Up-votes and comments will give you the last of the story ;)

I started to fix my bed, changed the music to Lana Del Rey, and walked into the bathroom to get cleaned up when my phone beeps from another message from Nadia.

*It’s OK, I’ll be there in a few*

I respond while I start warming the water for a quick shower.

*K I’ll be in the shower. Let yourself in <3*

I tie my hair in a ponytail and quickly wash off in the shower and as I am getting out I hear Nadia let herself in. I call from the ajar bathroom door out to her, *”Hey girl just cleaning up from having just worked out. Be out in a sec if you want to get the books set up.”* I rub in a thin layer of coconut oil over my legs, arms, chest and abdomen before I wrap a tower around myself.
Nadia is unpacking her backpack that could serve as a 4 month backpacking trip by my small round dinner table. She is unloading her massive physiology tome that must be at least 1,000 pages and pulls a plastic model heart out from her bag. This is why we work so well… she focuses on studying and I focus on distracting and flirting with her.

Categorized as Erotica

That first fall [FF][Voyeurish]

It was a few years back as fall started to approach in her first semester at college. She was one of those motivated types, though she was a freshman she was enrolled in a lot of the same classes as me when and I was a sophomore. I was bothered by it because for me I viewed college as an opportunity to break away from the strict rules of the house-hold I had grown up in; later I would learn and come to appreciate her drive, ambition, and tenacity.
It was that first fall where she started to grown on me, we became friends, and even a little more. Her name was Nadia, I don’t know if she was 100% Irish because she lacked the stereotype personality of a feisty redhead, but she sure looked the part. Shoulder length orange-red hair, light cream colored skin with freckles covering her arms and face. She was slender since she ran Track in high school, though you’d never guess that since she was practically always buried in books and wore leopard print glasses over her sparkling emerald green eyes. For the school that we went to she always dressed kind of conservative, I almost spit out my iced Bhakti chai the first time we went to the new pool and saw she wore a one-piece. Despite all of this, Nadia had an amazing girl next door vibe. She was always classy with her clothes and didn’t dump on heavy foundation or liners.