That Time Lisa Convinced Her Boyfriend to Enslave Her For A Threesome, Part Two (f/f/m) (Slave) (Bondage) (Twins)

As his car pulled up outside of Lisa’s apartment, Kyle wondered one last time how he’d let his girlfriend talk him into this. It wasn’t like he found their sex life unsatisfying in the least. The two had known each other for years, and if there was one person he trusted in this world truly and completely, it was Lisa.

Which was why he’d been so surprised when she told him what she wanted. To be enslaved, treated as a pet or an object. The idea turned her on, she said. It made her wet. She knew that it would only be a game. She didn’t actually want to be his slave. But for a night or two, she would enjoy being chained down and ravished by him like she had no choice in the matter.

That was the word she had used. ‘’Ravished’’. Like it was some eighteenth century novel! Lisa could be intense sometimes when her heart was set on something. Hearing his girlfriend talk about how much she wanted him to chain her up and have his way for her certainly made him hard but at the same time, he was reluctant. The idea of treating Lisa like a slave was weird to him and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to do it. She wanted him to be cruel, dominant. But Kyle was worried this would feel to him like a betrayal. He loved her too much for that.

That Time Lisa Convinced Her Boyfriend to Enslave Her For A Threesome, Part One (f) (slave) (bondage) (twins)

Her name was Lisa Cormack, and she was a confident young woman of twenty one years. She lived with her twin sister, Diana, in an apartment that they both shared. She went to college and did reasonably well there. Though she never felt that she was as good as her sister. The two of them had a reputation, Diana was the serious and studious one. The cold-hearted senior student who was always able to answer the questions when they were called upon to do so. Then, there was Lisa. The fun-loving relaxed twin who was always in her sister’s shadow. Their personalities were so different that many found it hard to figure that they were related at all, or at least would have if not for their appearances.

They were not identical. Lisa and Diana were fraternal twins, and though they looked similar due to their shared connection, they were each distinct visually. They had dark hair which Diana wore long and Lisa wore short. They shared blue eyes, and slim builds. If you had asked some of their colleagues in college, they might have said that Lisa was the prettier of the two where Diana was the more intimidating. Of course, that came down as much to attitude as it did physical appearance.

Silence in the Library (f/m) (oral) (straight)

“Come on, babe. You know that you’re as horny as I am.”

Amber glanced up from her book with a look of annoyance. She was a college student of twenty years, and currently she was trying to study for a coming exam. She gestured to the book in front of her, and then to the pile of similar books waiting for her on the table. An open notebook lay before her, and severa pencils.

“Do I look like I have time to be horny?”

Her boyfriend, Adam, raised his hands in a parody of self-defence. He was a good looking guy. Fit and strong, with a wry smile that could melt your heart and a head of brown hair.

“You know, sexual satisfaction helps the female mind to focus. I’m sure I’ve read that somewhere.”

“I’m sure.” Amber rolled her eyes.

He was also kind of annoying at times. When he got an idea in his head, he didn’t tend to let it go. Usually, it was fine. Adam had plenty of good points as well. He was highly intelligent when you could get him to focus. He was very loyal – he would never abandon a friend. And if you asked him for his opinion on something, he’d give you his opinion. Not what he thought you wanted to hear.

A Bet Between Roommates Leads to Domination and Slavery (m/f) (long) (bet) (domination) (fiction) (happy)

A Real LIfe Pokemon Battle Led to Sexy Results

My roommate was a competitive Pokemon player. It was kind of a weird thing to say, but that is what she was. Clara had been into Pokemon for as long as we had known each other, which was for quite a long time. Most of our lives, in fact. We’d lived in the same street and then later gone to the same schools. Now we were in college – for the first time in our lives away from our parents – and we had managed to become roommates by request. It was a strange new world for the two of us in the big city and it was nice to have someone close by that you had known for so long. It made socialising much easier when you had a ready-made friend.

It was fun to listen to her. Clara took to things with a spark of life that made it hard to dismiss. She would talk of her battles over breakfast, almost breathless as she described who had done what, and how she’d reacted. Almost like it was the real thing. It made me smile, but often I did that just because she was talking to me at all.

The Hostage Game, Part Two (F/M) (Roleplay) (Bondage) (Submission) (Superheroes)

Dusklord looked as shocked as she felt to hear the words coming from her mouth. Redwing felt herself pale, and then flush as the blood ran to her cheeks, colouring them red. Heat filled her upper body, and she could already feel herself trying to back out of it. She resisted the urge. She realised that she did want this, at least on some level. The thought of it made her body tingle in sensitive places. She took a deep breath, and locked eyes with Dusklord, spreading her arms to her side as if to say ”Well, what not?”

He looked surprised, as though even he had not expected her to actually accept the offer. He swallowed visibly, trying to get past his confusion. Then, he moved forwards, walking towards her until they were inches apart.

She could feel the heat of his body now. He was muscular, not as powerfully built as most, but strong for his size, and she felt his eyes on her as well. Not for the first time, she realised that spandex didn’t really leave much to the imagination. Her body was slim, powerful. Her arms were toned and strong, her legs were long, and muscular.

The Hostage Game (F/M) (Roleplay) (Submission) (Bondage) (Long) (Superheroes)

The city spread out below her, a crazed jigsaw of buildings, streets, and flashing light. The night sky clung to her skin, and the wind rippled through her chestnut hair. The heroine known as Redwing was in her element, surrounded by a corona of fire, she traced a pattern over the city, watching and waiting. She knew at any moment, she could be called upon to act. Her senses were extended, blanketing the whole of the city. When she closed her eyes, she could see the world around her, traced in golden light. Distantly, she could sense the presence of her team mates, all of them were operating tonight, but it seemed that they shouldn’t have bothered.

It was quiet.

After a moment, she landed on top of a building, the ghostly shape of fiery wings burned along her back for an instant as she dropped, landing easily and nimbly. Her costume was body-fitting, traced in reds and golds, the image of a fire bird boldly emblazoned upon her chest. She looked down, seeing the city below her, the streets, the cars, the distant sounds of people.

She smiled. It was all good.

A Trip to the Swimming Pool Was More Than I Bargained For (f/m) (humiliation) (blackmail) (happy ending)

I was at the swimming pool, and I was not having a good time. Now, usually, that would be a contradiction in terms, let me tell you. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved to swim. You could ask any of my friends and they’d tell you. Amanda loves to swim, it’s just part of who she is. I especially like it when it’s early in the morning, or late at night, so you have most of the pool to yourself, and you can lap back and forth like a lazy fish, and just enjoy the feeling of your body moving through the water. It’s times like that which make life worth living, or at least, which make it more enjoyable. ]

But that day, I wasn’t enjoying it too much. Oh, the day had started well enough. I’d gotten together with my best friend Zoe, and the two of us had hit the town like a hammer. College was out that day, and Zoe had turned eighteen only a few days ago, so we were both still in the celebration stage of things. She’d always been a younger sister to me, though not literally, I should probably add. We’d grown up in the same street, and gone to the same schools. Met the same people, and taken the same classes. As far as the world was concerned, we were sisters, even if we didn’t share any blood.