I Met You At the Gym Once Night (F/M)(1200 Words)

It was late at night at the gym. I’d been working out for hours. You were checking me out on one of the machines. I was wearing a pair of gym shorts and a tank top, your eyes went right to my chest and then to my legs. I enjoyed it, liking the way that you looked at my body. My body was good. I knew it was. I worked hard to make sure it was. Every day I worked out and I liked to be appreciated.

After a while, it was just the two of us in the gym. It was a small gym and it was already late at night. We’d never said a word to each other, never even seen one another before now but you were fit too. A powerful guy with a muscular build and dark hair. Yeah, I liked what I saw.

I grinned at you, brushing my long red hair aside. You smirked back. Still no words, but that didn’t matter. There was communication.

The Duality of a Woman (BDSM)(Powerful to slave)(Domination)(Bondage)(Commission)

“We have a big meeting tomorrow, Ma’am.” spoke the secretary as she paged through the itinerary for the following day. “After that, we’ll be reviewing some of the yearly contracts. I believe that there have been a few errors and they need to be reconfirmed. After this, we have a promotional event which you need to attend and then there are some minor issues which probably should be looked at-”

Erin Li tuned her out at that point. She’d already read the itinerary herself and was well aware of everything that needed to be done. But Glenda often felt better for spelling it out anyway. She felt like she was earning her wage. Erin could respect that, but it didn’t mean that she had to listen to it.

Erin was a CEO.. She had wealth, more money than she could ever spend in her life even if she tried. She had power on par with few others. She even had a certain amount of fame in the right circles. For her, the last three years sometimes seemed to be a dream. A wonderful dream that she’d never expected to happen to her. She’d worked hard, that was true. She’d made friends with the right people, and she’d found herself in a position of power and privilege that some would literally kill to have.

The Free-Use Contract, Part Two (Freeuse) (F/F) (Domination) (Orgasms)

One month ago, Lynna had sold herself to her flatmates.

It had been a logical choice; she’d just lost her job as a secretary and the rent was due. There were five of them there, three guys and two girls including herself. When she had admitted that she was not able to pay her share of it, one of those guys – a small man named Trevor – had suggested a form of alternative payment.

Despite her shock, Lynna had found herself intrigued. She’d never been a conservative women when it came to sex. The idea of being used in this way was very interesting to her. And the others agreed that they would cover her rent. Actually, they agreed to cover it even if she didn’t agree. But Trevor was the most wealthy one and he had agreed to cover half of it on his own if she did. Her roommates were her friends and she didn’t want to be a bother to them if she could avoid it. The logical choice was to simple agree and-


The Feast of Blades And The Humiliation Of A Princess (Fantasy) (M/F) (Humiliation) (Domination)(Commission)

More than a thousand people were gathered that day. It was the Feast of Blades, and the fighting pit was full to capacity. Canvas sheets had been raised against the rain and the cold wind, the audience crowded the seats. Below, men and women prepared to fight and each one faced the very real chance of death.

Most of them were of the Tribes, the People of the Blade gathered each year to fight and do honour to the strongest amongst themselves. There were many tribes and they spent most of their time separate and dispersed across the land. But once a year, they came together. For one week only, they were united. All grudges forgotten, all wrongs forgiven. The strongest among them – and outsiders as well – came to challenge and fight.

The prize? Nothing less than an audience with the Lord of the Tribes.

Krall was his name. Sometimes called the Eagle or the Bear, he was a massive man with a mane of dark, rully hair. His upper body was heavily tattooed and he had a powerful build and a proud, cruel face.

The Perilous Path of a Former Princess (m/f)(fantasy)(piercing)(humiliation)(long)

Three years ago the world had been a different place. The nation of Khol-Hon had been proud and strong. Supported on many sides by allies and friends. That had all changed when the current king of Khol-Hon, enthused with the idea of wealth through slavery, had declared an unjust war and began the road to ruin.

The wars had stopped only when a princess of Khol-Hon called Vrasha had raised an army of rebels, facing off against her father and later her brother, she had managed an impossible victory and taken the crown.

If this was a simple story, that was where it would have ended. The good queen had overthrown the evil king, truth and justice were restored, and everyone rejoiced. Screen goes black, fade to credits.

It didn’t work out like that. The kingdoms around Khol-Hon were angry and betrayed, many wished to continue the war. Others sought to invade and conquer for its own sake. Only by desperate diplomacy, careful promise and, frankly, a certain amount of fatalistic posturing, had Vrasha managed to fend them off.

How Marcus and Rebecca Had Their First Time (f/m) (awkward)

The expected knock on the door came around eight. Marcus had been waiting for it, but it still made him nervous. He felt a stirring in his lower chest as he went to answer it, moving through his familiar home. The world around him was just as it always had been. He’d lived in this house for all of his life and he knew it from top to bottom. At eighteen years old, he’d finally been trusted to look after the place on his own with his parents away on a trip.

At the time, it had seemed perfect. Everything fitting together so neatly that he’d felt like a genius. He’d talked to Rebecca and the two had agreed. Marcus remembered how heady that moment had been and how much it had filled him with excitement.

Now he was even more filled with excitement, but that confidence was gone. What if someone came to visit? What if his parents came back? What if Rebecca’s sister came to check on her? What if, what if…

The Free-Use Contract (M/M/M/F/F) (Domination)

It started when she lost her job. It wasn’t really her fault that it happened; she worked as a secretary for some big business and the higher ups had made a bit of a miscalculation when it came to what would sell and what would not. Naturally, it wasn’t them who suffered when the budget had to be tightened. A bunch of the smaller workers were let go to save money, accountants, lower level managers and, yes, secretaries.

One of them was Lynna.

She was twenty five years old and had worked in the city for most of her life; she had a positive working relationship, a good income and an apartment that she shared with several roommates. Everything was going well for her until the news hit, and then suddenly, nothing was.

The apartment that she shared with the others was both large and expensive, and until a couple of hours ago, she would have considered it a sign of her success. Now she was sitting in her room, staring at the mirror, wondering how she would make the rent.

That Time Lisa Convinced Her Boyfriend to Enslave Her For a Threesome, Part Three (m/f/f) (Twins) (Bondage) (Final)

Lisa’s head was spinning. For so long, she had fantasied about the idea of being taken as a slave and used to pleasure someone else. For so long it had been a core part of her desires, filled her head with want and lust. Now at last it was happening, and she couldn’t get over how it made her feel.

She was naked, tied to a bed with her arms bound above her head and her legs spread by ropes. Her pussy was soaking, inflamed with desire and want which rushed through her with every thought. She’d just seen her boyfriend fuck her sister, taking her from behind as Diana was herself forced to eat Lisa out. She knew she would remember the feel of her twin sister’s tongue against her pussy for as long as she lived.

She felt humiliated, ashamed, powerless and more turned on than she ever had in her life. Her heart pounded, and her breathing was fast. The cold air pressed against her tingling skin,the ropes bit into her thighs and her wrists. The bed was soft and inviting below her, and above her, Kyle knelt.

It Started With D&D (f/f)(Domination)(Bondage)(Commission)

It started with a game of D&D, which was a fancy way of saying that it did not, in fact, start with D&D. Dungeons and Dragons might have made her aware of it, but it had actually started long before that However, this realisation would come later. Initially, at least, Amanda thought that it started with a game of D&D.

She’d been playing D&D since she turned eighteen. She’d loved fantasy for as long as she could remember, so when her best friend Heather offered her a place in a game, she was in like a shot.

Their current campaign had been running for almost a year now. There were four of them, three players plus Heather, the GM. Amanda, a punk girl called Stacy and a slab of muscle and benevolence known as Dave.

Things came to a head late one session, they’d been dungeon diving and had finally defeated a high level enemy who had been dogging them for most of the campaign.

“You search the old tomb,” Heather had said from her patented GM chair of power. “The bodies that once rested here are long gone, but many of their burial goods remain. They are piled in a great heap on the floor before you. Some of it may be magical.”

A Trip To The Swimming Pool Was Much More Than I Bargained For (f/m) (domination) (blackmail) (happy ending) (Remaster)

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved to swim. The feeling of the water against my body, the motion streaming through my hair as I dive or splash has always delighted me. You could ask any of my friends and they would all tell you the same thing.

I love to swim at any time, but the best time for it is always late at night or early in the morning so you avoid as many people as possible. There’s nothing better than having most of the pool to yourself as you do lazy laps back and forth, or simply enjoy the power in your body as you dart and flash through the pool. No matter how miserable my day has been, or how bad my mood is, I can’t help but feel happy when I get a chance to dip into the pool.
