Snowed In [MF] [Inc] [Mast]

I don’t know what it is about that specific silence, but it never leaves any uncertainty. Maybe it’s a subtle tone in her voice when she does speak. Maybe she chooses her words more carefully to let me in on her thinking. Maybe I’m just picking up on pheromones. Whatever it is, my sister always gets real quiet whenever she’s horny.

We both laid on our backs on her bed in single-person dorm room. I was visiting last weekend when a large snow storm hit, trapping me in town longer than I had planned. She lived in a long un-updated building. Almost every wall and every floor in the building was cold cement or, even colder, tile. Warmth wasn’t present anywhere, other than overbearing heat right next to the ancient radiators in each room. The building was so drafty that any heat didn’t extend more about 6 inches from a radiator. Rather, it almost immediately got sucked out any nearby window.

We shared a bed “almost exclusively” due to the cold. She didn’t have any heavy blankets other than her comforter and there’s no way I would have actually been able to sleep on the floor, even with the large area rug that would keep me off the tile. I say “almost exclusively” because nothing between us was ever quite innocent.

Surprise Party [Mf, MF] [Voy] [Inc]

The music and yelling was obvious from almost a block away.

“Why don’t we cross the street? We can avoid people hanging around outside.” I suggested to my sister. She was visiting me for the weekend, and we were wandering around my small college town.

“No, let’s go in! It sounds like fun.”

I did not like that idea. She had just turned 18, but she was still in high school. I was her big brother – I wouldn’t be protecting her very well if I intentionally surrounded her with drunk assholes. I told her it wasn’t a good idea.

“Plleeease. I want to see what it’s like. So far, we’ve just wandered around campus. College is waaaaaay more that just school. I want to see a party.”

She batted her eyes and played the baby sister card heavily. I couldn’t ever turn that down. “Fine, just real quick.”

As we got closer, it was obvious we were not going to be appropriately dressed. The front of the house had been decorated like the side of a ship, complete with cannons. A large jolly roger flag hung over the front door.

Moving Sister [MF] [Inc] [Oral] [Reluc] [Voy]

“This is the last box. I closed the trunk before I left.” I told you when we met at the bottom of the stairs.

“Yay!” you exclaimed and started to run back.

I followed, watching your ass sway in your black running shorts. They were short enough that your ass cheeks poked out the bottom. When you stepped forward up onto the next stair, I got a peek at the pink panties covering your crotch. They looked a touch damp, but since the back of your bright yellow tee-shirt was wet with sweat, I assumed that was the case with your panties too.

We reached the top of the stairs and you led me down the path back to your new apartment. As we walked by your front window, I looked in at our hard work. Boxes were everywhere: piled up on the floor, sitting on top of tables and on the shelves on your new built-in bookcases. After we entered the apartment, you headed into the kitchen, leaving me in the living room alone. I sat the box down on a big stack of other boxes and took a seat on your couch. You soon returned, carrying two large glasses of water.

A Future Lawyer [MF] [Inc]

“Vr-Vr-Vrrrrrrrrr” the engine of my parents’ old boat kicked to life.

“Oh good,” my mother looked up from her book and out of the wide windows that overlooked the lake. “It sounds like Dad got the boat running.” She set her book down on the table next to her overstuffed chair. “Go get ready. We’ll probably head out soon.” Mom stood up from the chair, walked to the sliding glass door and stepped onto the patio. “How much longer, hon’?” she yelled down to my father.

“Probably 20 minutes?” Dad yelled back up.

“20 minutes.” Mom repeated, returning to the cool air of the house. She walked past me on the couch and down the hall to their bedroom.

I set aside my own book and headed down to the basement. I walked into my sister and my shared bedroom. I pulled closed the curtain that covered to floor-to-ceiling windows that faced out of the room and into the trees surrounding our house. It was probably 300 feet or so down to the waterfront, and even though the trees blocked any view you might have from the water, I still felt better closing them.

Aurora [MF] [Inc] [Drugs]

“Holy shit.” I said, looking up into the heavens. Above me were sheets of green floating in the sky. They folded gently as if they were waves crashing on the beach. Off to the west, a few spires of blue shot into the sky, tipped with white and shimmering brightly. A jet of pink slowly flowed into my vision from between the blue spires, inching its way south. Yellow tuffs softly bleated into and out of existence, mixing with the edges of the green sheets as though the green was covering and uncovering the yellow.

“I’ve never seen it this bright before,” my sister whispered from just left of me. We watched in silence for a few more minutes. The silence was only broken by the bubbling of the hot tub.

That gentle rumble was a nice match for the lightly-colored darkness around us. We had turned out the lights from her deck to sit and stare into the heavens. While the aurora offered enough light to make out the space just around us, in lots of wild colors, we couldn’t see anything further out, save for the outlines of dark mountains against the lights in the sky.

Western Tales (Part 1) [Str8] [MF] [Inc]

“It’s about time you got here,” I scolded my sister as she walked in the front door. “We were supposed to leave hours ago.”

“Sorry, sorry. Jane and I stayed out way too late last night. I forgot an alarm and we didn’t get up until a little bit ago. I’ve already packed, let me just how in the shower real quick.” she said passing through the living room.

My sister and I were planning on driving from our home outside Chicago to visit our grandparents in Tempe, Arizona. I hoped to make it there after 2 very long days of driving, but since it was already a few minutes after noon, that wasn’t going to happen.

I grabbed my bags from my room and took them out to the trunk of my car. When I got back to the house, the shower was already done running. “Almost ready?” I asked and knocked on the door to my sister’s room.

“Yeah, just a few minutes while I get dressed.” she called out.

A Little Back and Forth [MF] [Str8] [Inc] [Mast] [Oral]

<CH 1>

The first semester of college, I had classes at 8am every day of the week. So when I got to come home on break. I was excited to not really have to get up in the mornings. I could sleep in, lay in bed with my laptop and generally not make much effort to do anything. With my parents at work, and my sister's high school not being on break yet, that first week I could really relax as much as I wanted.

The first couple of days, I slept in until the late afternoon. On Wednesday, for whatever reason, I woke up around 9:30 and was surprised to hear music, which must have been coming from my sister's room. I walked across my room and opened the door. Across the hall, her door was open just a couple of inches. Before I could yell out to her, she walked, wearing only tight, dark-colored jeans and a black belt, over to her dresser and pull open the top drawer.