HELP: I’m trying to find a story I read several years ago.

Several years ago I got a few free books of multiple erotica stories on my Kindle Fire (one of the very first Fires, if that gives you an idea of how old this is). They were all bundles of stories by multiple authors. One of the stories was really super hot but I was embarrassed by how much I enjoyed it and ultimately deleted it off my Kindle.

Fast fwd to present day, I mentioned it to my husband and he wants to read it! I tried to find it in my Kindle history but I don’t recall the author or even which specific book it was. I tried searching for all of the books but none of them are available on Amazon anymore. I’ve googled the premise for hours with no luck.

I’m hopeful someone on here might recognize it and be able to help me find another copy of the story.

Here’s the plot: it’s raining and a teenage girl is walking home (not sure what from, a friends house maybe?). She’s wearing cute shorts and a tank top. A bus full of football players from her high school drives by and the driver stops to ask if she wants a ride to get out of the rain.