He kicked the door closed behind him and kissed her until the air tasted foreign without her in it.
His tongue tingled and her vision flashed. His knee jerked and his dick twitched. A twitch gave way to a throb, the jerk of his to the buckling of hers. Eyeline meats waistline, The twist of a forefinger solving a buttons grasp. A second button. A third. The button on his briefs seeming latch among locks, sewn like the eye of a cock. The latch opened and the eye widened.
The buckling was contagious, as the bed cradled him and braced her. She kissed up his shaft until any saltiness was as foreign as the taste of his tongue minutes earlier, but they had both waded through the evening long enough. His vision was limited to the morphing shapes of windows, devoid of perspective within the close-up LED imagery of clenched eyes.