A Succubus and a… College Guy? (Chapter 5)

“Don’t leave this room either. You’re pretty noticeable, for better or worse. And don’t get in too much trouble!”

Jack’s instructions ring out, then he shuts the dorm room door, leaving me alone with seven or eight hours to kill. However long he and Miguel are at school, anyway. I take a look around the room, and sigh as I see there’s not much to do.

After a moment of contemplation, I decide I might as well clean the place up a bit. Despite my aversion to doing menial tasks for my masters, this room isn’t the cleanest, and I’m going to spending quite a bit of time here.

So I go around the room, picking up dirty, awful smelling clothes, finding candy and gum wrappers, and making use of the tacky lemon air freshener in the bathroom. After about 30 minutes of cleaning, the room looks (and smells) much nicer. The dirty clothes sit in a basket near the door, obviously used to transport clothes to wherever they’re washed in this place. The garbage is in a neatly tied bag, and a new bag has been put in the small can next to the desk.

A Succubus and a… College Guy? (Chapter 4)

For the first time in millennia, I had fallen asleep satisfied, and actually looking forward to the next day of my summons. Who would’ve thought it’d be with a couple of college guys? As I drift off, I feel Jack out a hand on my waist and pull me close to him, like a life sized demon teddy bear. A naked one, at that.

I have a blissful, dreamless sleep, and when I wake up, both Jack and Miguel are still asleep. I glance at the alarm clock on the desk, and it says that it’s 6:28. If I had to guess, I’d say that the alarm is set for 6:30 for the boys to get up for school. I woke up in the nick of time.

I lay in bed, planning to just wait until the alarm goes off, but then I get a more… sexual method to wake Jack up. I gently move his hand from my waist, and silently get up and walk over to the alarm clock. After some quick studying of the nearby instructions, I find out that the alarm is indeed set to 6:30.

A Succubus and a… College Guy? (Chapter 3)

“I think we’re going to enjoy our time together.”

Jack, who had just uttered our collective thoughts, stands above me as I try to remember how to think. I’m laying in a limp heap on the floor, having just orgasmed for the first time since the 16th century. And what an orgasm it had been. According to Miguel, the other knucklehead responsible for it, I had cum for almost a minute straight, something I haven’t done in millennia.

“You alright Mia?” Miguel asks, looking genuinely concerned for me after the pounding I had just received from both ends.

“I’m more than alright,” I reply. “That was the first time I’ve been satisfied in 500 years. Thank you, both of you.”

“Well what can I say, I’m a nice guy,” Jack says with a smirk. I roll my eyes, and Miguel laughs. “Get up, we need to discuss some things.”

My body obeys his command, dragging me off the floor and to my feet. I stand on wobbly legs as Jack motions me to sit on his bed. I plop down on it, thankful for the chance to let my legs recover. “Discuss what?” I ask.

A Succubus and a… College Guy? (Chapter 2)

Check my profile for the first chapter, and I hope you enjoy!

“You didn’t think we were done, did you?”

“Kind of,” I reply. Given that he had just cum in my mouth and on my face, after taking advantage of my own urges and his absolute power over me to receive the best blowjob of his life, I had kind of assumed Jack would be finished for now.

As a succubus, the 20 something college guy standing above me with a smirk had total power over me. He commands, and my body does, whether I want to or not. It’s very disconcerting feeling your hand or some other part move by itself.

However, he couldn’t control my thoughts, and due to his messing up the summoning spell, I was allowed to mouth off a bit when it wasn’t otherwise occupied. Thank Lucifer for that. This would be even worse if I couldn’t make witty retorts.

I find myself a little cold, as I shiver under the air conditioning on full blast in the small room. Being used to the fires of hell, the AC being set to usual human temperatures is a bit chilly. I shiver slightly, and Jack seems to notice.

A Succubus and a… College Guy? (Chapter 1)

It had been your average day in the underworld. Wandering around, making small talk with the more interesting looking demons and demonesses as I meander through the fires of hell, the sounds of faint screams in the distance providing a soundtrack to my life, as they had for all 2,376 years of my existence. But who’s counting?

Anyway, I had been taking a stroll through the plains of the damned, when suddenly, I feel a tugging sensation in my gut I haven’t felt in centuries. Surely it couldn’t be… yes. After hundreds of years, I was being summoned to the overworld. It had been so long since there had been mass summonings of beings like me, as the humans seem to have realized that trying to finesse your way into having a demon do your bidding wasn’t a good idea. Or maybe they just got bored of reading the books, I don’t know.

The tugging feeling increases, and my vision begins to flicker. A bored guard nearby looks at me, confused, until he too recognizes that I’m being yanked to up above. My ears ring, and in a few more seconds, I feel myself being materialized one floor higher in the cosmic building.

Categorized as Erotica