Visiting friends in Spain (Part 1) [MF] [Oral] [cute] [house party]

I[M28] was visiting a friend of mine, Olga[F25] who lives with her boyfriend Alex[M29] in Spain.

I had met Olga during my semester in Czech Republic and we have been great friends ever since. I would say she’s a cute, nerdy type girl with typical slavic features. Even though I think she’s sexy, we have always been good friends and I know that she’s in a serious relationship with Alex so I respect that.

Anyways, Olga and Alex had allowed me stay at their house this summer and over the last week I had learned that they were having some trouble in their relationship. They were aware of the issues and it was obvious that both were working on fixing it. I really admired how open they were about their problems and how to fix them.

But overall, it was all good. I had a jolly time with them. Olga kept trying to hook me up with her friends whenever she could. Somtimes it worked, sometimes not. This story is about the even when it did work, and more..

One week, we planned a small house party. Olga invited one of her Spanish colleagues, Maika [F26], hoping to hook us up.