Looking for a story I read awhile ago

I'm looking for a story I read on Literotica (I think). I don't remember what it was called, and I don't remember the author's name. But I remember it was really long, like 16 parts or something like that.

Basically it was about an almost college age boy and his sister's cheerleading squad, and how they have sex with absolutely everyone. Like, the brother ends up dating her best friend but has orgies with the whole squad. He's on a swimming team. I think one of the cheerleaders was named Stacey and she was filthy rich. The whole series had lots of sex and lots of soap opera elements. There's a car crash at the end that almost kills the sister. There's a scene where some girl fucks herself with a bottle. It's crazy.

Just wondering if anyone could help me find it.

Edit: I found it.

Categorized as Erotica