Commonly Asked Questions About My Hyperspermia

To preface, hyperspermia is defined by medical professionals as a condition in which a man ejaculates twice as much cum as the average man produces. Below is a collection of questions I have been asked since making the Reddit community aware of my condition.

1. Are your penis and testicles larger then average? What is your length/girth and size of your testicles? Do your testicles increase in size as the pressure builds over the day?

Both are larger than average, but not what I would consider to be out of the realm of normalcy. Official length is somewhere around 8.9 inches (hoping so badly for that last 0.1 but I’m not about to fib yet) with a girth of 6.3”. Not sure how to measure my testicles in all honesty but they can vary from what I could only describe as large ping pong balls when empty to golf balls when full, but these are super rough estimates. On a related note size and pressure do increase throughout the day, but weight is the most noticeable, and pressure presents itself as leaking precum.