Robert and Alyssa, Part IV (Re-Post, as the first was cut off due to some poor copy/paste skills)

Robert and Alyssa IV

R – Robert
A – Alyssa

R – Once the belt was undone, Rob pulled it from the loops and wrapped it around Aly’s neck twice. Taking the loose ends in one hand, he pulled her up onto her knees in front of him.
“Now, serve me, my pet.”
Rob said, smiling down at her, his cock already standing on end and almost pushing out the top of his waistband.
He waited impatiently for her to get to it and follow his command, sighing as he imagined the soft wetness of her mouth around his cock. He kept his eyes locked with hers, taking in the little expressions as she struggled to perform her task. If she was a virgin before him, she almost certainly hadn’t given oral. Rob loved inexperience though, so the thought of her fumbling and choking on his cock as he taught her how to serve him was absolutely captivating.

Robert and Alyssa, Part IV

R – Robert
A – Alyssa

R – Once the belt was undone, Rob pulled it from the loops and wrapped it around Aly’s neck twice. Taking the loose ends in one hand, he pulled her up onto her knees in front of him.
“Now, serve me, my pet.”
Rob said, smiling down at her, his cock already standing on end and almost pushing out the top of his waistband.
He waited impatiently for her to get to it and follow his command, sighing as he imagined the soft wetness of her mouth around his cock. He kept his eyes locked with hers, taking in the little expressions as she struggled to perform her task. If she was a virgin before him, she almost certainly hadn’t given oral. Rob loved inexperience though, so the thought of her fumbling and choking on his cock as he taught her how to serve him was absolutely captivating.

Robert and Alyssa, Part III (My long term Stockholm RP)

R – Robert
A – Alyssa

R – Rob had left some time ago to pick up food and liquor, having tightly bound Aly to a chair in the kitchen, naked. He stepped though the door with an armful of groceries and stalked over to the table near where she sat.
“Well, my dear, until I decide what to do with you, you can make yourself useful. Serve me well enough and I may decide to let you live as my slave.”
Setting the bag down, he removed a bottle of whiskey and went to collect a few glasses.
“Against my better judgment, I’m starting to enjoy your company enough to keep you alive…. for now. You’ve been a good girl, thus far.”
He said with a smirk, setting the glasses and bottle down near the edge of the table and taking out his knife, then bent to cut her free of the ropes.
When she was out, he opened the bottle, poured them both two fingers of the brown liquor and picked up his glass, motioning for her to do the same.

Robert and Alyssa, Part II (My long term Stockholm RP)

R – Robert
A – Alyssa

A – As her date stood next to her, Aly gently leans so her shoulder is just barely against him, not having the bravery to sneak a look at his face. Once she notices the robin, she instinctivly glances towards Jason with a smile on her face, checking to see if he saw it too just a split second before going back to look at it. His firm hand resting on her shoulder and guiding her set off the butterflies in her stomach again, if only she had the sense to realize it could very well be her instincts trying to warn her. But alas, she just thinks its the nerves of being alone with a cute guy and obediently follows the guidance into the cabin. Distracted by paying attention to him, Aly doesn’t take a moment to look around, his statement catching her off guard. The girl cocks her head with that curious look from earlier and asks “what do you mean?” She was starting to feel nervous as her mind flitted through possibilities, is he married, maybe he just cant cook, maybe he doesn’t want to go to the movies…. Maybe he just wants sex..” The poor naive girl couldn’t even fathom that her life could be in danger

Robert and Alyssa, Part I (My long term Stockholm RP)

R – Robert
A – Alyssa

R – Rob approached a quaint looking cafe in the college town he’d been lurking in for the past couple weeks. He’d seen the place before, usually filled with college students, but had never went in. Eager to find a new plaything, he pulled his Jeep into the small lot outside and parked.
Stepping out, he grabbed a few dollars to get his coffee and shut the door behind him. Briefly checking himself in the mirror for bloodstains on his clothes, he finally walked in when he was satisfied with his appearance. After entering, he walked up to the counter and waved over an adorable looking blonde, presumably a waitress.
“Excuse me, miss, could I get a large coffee? Lots of cream, lots of sugar.”
He asked with a hint of a smile, instantly putting on his mask of human emotions.

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