Sunday Football [MM]

My buddy Jim and I used to meet up at a bar on Sundays to watch football and have a beer or two. One day, his wife who is a nurse had a long shift and asked him to be home because one of her friends needed to drop something off and she wasn’t going to be home until late. So, he invited me to watch the game at his place.

We watched the early game, had a few beers and got the delivery from his wife’s friend. As the later game started he asked me if I’d take a look at his laptop which was really slow. He knew I was good at tech and had helped him in the past by running a few utilities, upgrading RAM, etc.

When I took a look at what was running I saw he had one chrome browser visible and one minimized. So, of course I brought up the minimized window and BAM up comes youporn with a lesbian massage video paused. He immediately says “fuck, just close it. I forgot I had that up”. For whatever reason I say that I love massage porn and I start going through his tabs. He goes kinda quiet as I see a few more massage videos and then get to a few upskirt videos.