Saturday Morning

For weeks and weeks I have felt a mess inside. Your face and body running through my mind. As I sit here alone, I think about what it would look like to see you standing at my counter, wearing those stockings and panties… Your behind glowing from the soft light coming in through the front windows of my apartment. You looking back at me with a naughty grin, teasing…wanting me to come to you…

I’m getting ahead of myself! Let me back up and put into words what goes through my mind every free moment…

It’s early morning and I get a text from you, you’re on your way over…you end the sentence with a devil emoji… I hop up out of bed and make sure that I’m showered and ready before you arrive. The anticipation is killing me, but I know that it will be worth it in the end… While I shower, my cock is already a bit erect thinking about you…I stroke it a bit while the warm water washes over me. My mind racing with the thoughts of how I want to just rip open your shirt, exposing your breasts… I must control myself, I think to myself, I can’t do that! I quickly finish up my shower and get dressed, you’ll be here soon!

Hotel Night [M/F]

It has finally happened, the stars have aligned and we are able to stay the night together, not just a few hours, but an entire night! We get a nice hotel room since this is a special occasion, more special than other times! At first we head out and have a nice dinner together, enjoying each others company, our eyes staying locked on each other…our hands holding each others…our legs intertwined under the table… For one full night, we are together.

After our exceptional dinner, you tell me that you are tired so we head back to the room instead of doing anything else. We walk up there, holding hands, my mind thinking of nothing other than the fact that I can hold you in my arms all night. The thought of your body pressing up against mine, our arms embracing each other…

Categorized as Erotica

Escape from reality (Affair RP) – [M/F]

We plan ahead, both of us crafting stories so that we can escape our routine lives for excitement and a hint of danger. I give you location of the hotel and tell you to meet me there at a specific time, you say okay. I will head there early so I can be waiting for you to arrive, I will want to be ready and have everything set up.

You know nothing really about what the evening has in store for you, I purposely keep you in the dark to add mystery and intrigue to it. You ask me what to wear and I tell you to put on lingerie with thigh high stockings, something that will make you look even more stunning and irresistible. You hesitate for a moment, pondering why I’m asking for you to wear something so specific, then you agree and tell me you’ll have it on under your clothes. I can tell by the sound of your voice that you are nervous, but at the same time you trust me. Nervousness that comes from being excited over the unknown.

Categorized as Erotica